Request; Sylphyo Editor
Any plans for this?
I find working through the menus on the Sylphyo tedious.
Thanks -
We'd like to one day (and this would be the right time to introduce user fingerings and such), but currently, with a software development team of one, we have too many more urgent priorities, so it's not in our short/mid-term plans.
I agree , I think this would be a great thing , I suggested such a feature back in March 2020 but as it’s a small team I also understand this would take up a lot of time. Here’s a thought🤔…. Maybe if there’s any developers in the community, you could work with Aodyo to develop such an app, open source style maybe. it would be awesome if we were able to access to menu of the sylphyo from the iPad. It would be particularly useful to be able to change base key and patch number on the fly when doing a live performance. The interface could look something like this for example
@mothyb @Support_AODYO ... does the Sylphyo accept MIDI commands over the LINK interface to change its configuration?
That would be a big help ... I am currently fiddling with my config live during my current set and it's not bad, but not ideal. Better would be MIDI sent from Cantabile on a song change. Will the Sylphyo accept that over the LINK interface?
That would also allow more extensive alterations, such as changing breath pressure parameters between songs. That would be really be helpful but I don't currently do it (by hand) because of the complexity and the likelihood of screwing up during live performance.
(Sorry if this topic has been discussed previously ... I seem to recall some discussion about this, but cannot locate it in the forum logs)
@clint said in Request; Sylphyo Editor:
(Sorry if this topic has been discussed previously ... I seem to recall some discussion about this, but cannot locate it in the forum logs)
In the Anyma Phi thread "Maxforlive device?"
was a discussion CC vs NRPN vs SysEx.We did not come to a conclusion but I would still prefer a combination of CC and short SysEx, like the Waldorf Blofeld does it. Most important on CC, every single parameter via 10-Byte SysEx strings. Best of both worlds. Long SysEx only for dumps.
@peter-ostry So I'm guess the Sylphyo currently does not respond to MIDI configuration messages? ... and that discussion in the Anyma Phi sub-forum was regarding preferences as to how it might be done if it were implemented??
@clint This mini-discussion ... ... seems to imply that the Link will accept limited config commands (patch change, volume), but not transmit them back to the Sylphyo itself.
At the moment we cannot talk to the devices about configuration.
But I think a three-way communication between an Editor, Link and Sylphyo plus a bidirectional communication between Sylphyo and Link, when the Editor isn't here, would be a tough job for the developer and personally I would not need this. One direction would be enough for playing.
For my usage:
The Sylphyo should accept CCs and/or NRPN and/or short SysEx strings for single parameters. And SysEx of medium length for setting-presets. The simpler the syntax the better.
If we send the data to the Link, it should a) store them, and b) forward them to the Sylphyo.
This way we can send configuration data over wire and wireless. People who love to change settings directly on the Sylphyo can still do this.
Regarding the other direction, from the Sylphyo to the editor program:
It is desirable that the editor follows the Sylphyo, the instrument would send the same data in realtime. This is also a great help for custom software controllers. For receiving this data I would accept a direct cable connection to relief the Link box (actually to reduce the burden on the programmer).Regarding preset storage:
Storage of presets from within the instrument (dump) is commonly a separate process and does not happen during a performance. I would not mind to connect an USB cable for that. Stored presets can be managed by the editor program. There is a drawback of course: Players without a computer/controller cannot load presets on stage.I think the data need special organization. Short messages (SysEx and/or CC or NRPN) for single parameters. Medium length SysEx for "settings" storage. And the big dumps for complete configuration including the sound engine.
@peter-ostry The functionality of the latest Roland Aerophone AE-30 with its editor seems very impressive... But then it is 3 times the price of the Sylphyo...