@Peter-Ostry I suspect that Sylphyo B has had some damage to it's electronics from past moisture exposure ...
Latest posts made by Clint
RE: Pairing Gets Lost
RE: Pairing Gets Lost
To try to get a handle on this issue, I let this Sylphyo "B" sit unused for roughly 6 months, vertical, open, and charged. (I have two other Sylphyo units, so this is not an issue).
I then used it for a recording project, and it worked AOK for roughly 4 hours of playing over two days. It was stored overnight vertically, open, and charging.
On the third day, Sylphyo B began exhibiting the same symptoms described previously: failing to transmit to the Link (while remaining paired), and refusing to respond to the Menu command to re-pair.
My belief is that this is a moisture-related issues. Even though I dry it after playing with a swab and store it vertically and open.
By the way, the port under the blue ring at the top has been sealed, as with my other Sylphyos.
RE: SuperBooth 2024?
Thanks for the update @Laurent_AODYO ...
Taking a closer look at SuperBooth and ... well ... it looks pretty daunting. I'm from the U.S. and it's an 8 hour red-eye each way. Tickets are shown as "Unavailable" on their site (and also no workshop postings).
Then ... accommodations are far away: 50 minute train ride + 10 min walk + 20 minute walk. That's a total of 3 hours of commuting each day.
Then there's the restrictions: can't bring gear (really??), can't buy anything, and "better bring cash".And now ... No Aodyo ...
Not sure if I'm missing something ...
Is there a better way to do SuperBooth??
SuperBooth 2024?
Wondering if the Aodyo folks will be at SuperBooth 2024?
Thinking of making the trip (which is a bit of a haul, coming from Connecticut) ...
RE: Sylphyo Key bend ?
@zzrichie I do not own any of the "specialized" Sylphyo's ... but I was inquiring a while ago (maybe 18 months ago) and I recall that one of the Sylphyo folks kindly advised me that the finger pads on versions with treated or painted finger pads do operate "differently" than the regular Sylphyo ... Hope this helps ...
RE: Addition to Native Flute fingerings
Just checked the firmware download page and the Sylphyo firmware seems to be the latest, based on the file size (which changed from the original 1.5.0 to the update with this fingering restored).
The size of the firmware with this update shows in Windows Explorer as 14,965 KB.
RE: Addition to Native Flute fingerings
@edwardkort Not sure if they updated the firmware version on the Aodyo web site ... the version number has not changed from 1.5.0, so it's hard to tell ...
RE: Addition to Native Flute fingerings
This issue with v1.5.0 has been cleared up.
Received a firmware update (in three hours!!) and it addresses this issue completely ...
RE: Addition to Native Flute fingerings
@join I've just realized that the 1.5.0 Sylphyo firmware no longer has this additional fingering - <xxo|xxo for the two Native Flute fingerings. It did appear in the 1.4.9b5 firmware, but is not in the latest firmware.
Would it be possible to get an update to the 1.5.0 firmware with this fingering restored? I use this fingering all the time in a few songs (being done at a gig this weekend) and could really use it.
This affects the Native Flute (Basic) and Native Flute+ (Extended) fingerings. The YML is available at: https://Goss.com/yml/naf.sylphyomap.yml
RE: Breath Control to Velocity
Done and dusted!
Tobi from Ableton Drummer (https://abletondrummer.com/) whipped up a Max4Live device that does the job precisely. It has a configurable delay window, which I set to around 12 msec. This gives me good results with the Sylphyo Breath Rate configuration set at Low (125 Hz).
The device is not public yet, but if you contact Tobi, he will probably start offering it for sale shortly ...