I started to experiment with AudioModeling SWAM woodwinds, 14 instruments based on Physical Modeling and Behavioral Modeling with the Multi-Vector/Phase-Synchronous Sample-Morphing technique. These instruments are well suited for Sylphyo and other EWI. Unfortunately, Ayodyo people have abandoned development of Sylphyo and started to create keyboard synthesizers. Sylphyo is still a great expressive instrument, and Swam + Kontakt or Omnisphere pads, are excellent combinations. I especially like bass clarinet, it has great range, from C1 Ab to C5 Bb.
I shall add more examples at the link below, just search for "Fjukawka Duch" keywords.
Messages postés par Wlodzislaw
Some examples of SWAM Woodwinds + Omnisphere for background voices
RE: Some examples of Ketron instruments + Omnisphere for background voices
@Friedus Thanks, I wish I had more time to train ... I have now Akai USB, 4000s and 5000, but Sylpho is my favorite, although I miss a decent mouthpiece.
Some examples of Ketron instruments + Omnisphere for background voices
Here are a few examples of the combination of Ketron instruments + Omnisphere for background voices, with great presets from Vicious Antelope:
Strawberry Fields | Yesterday | Lover Man | Scarborough Fair| Christmas: Silent Night: several voices.See links at my page, search for: Duch Fjukawka.
I will try to provide more examples soon.Wlodek
RE: Aodyo lives?
5 years ago IMOX tried to create a new mouthpiece, the project was called Photon, but so far they have not released it, blaming the problems on shortage of some chips:
https://imoxplus.com/site/index.php/forum/photon-mouthpiece -
RE: Aodyo lives?
@ErikOnSax Indeed, very disappointing. Years ago, they announced some work on a better mouthpiece. Instead, we got another synth, and there are so many (I have DynaSample, Ketron, and Yamaha, plus tons of soft synths). Meanwhile, Chinese competition is now getting stronger, and I am contemplating one of thy new controllers, like Robkoo R1.
Stinking plastic
I clean my old Sylpho often but the plastic still smells badly. Anyone else has noticed that? Perhaps it is only the problem with the old Sylpho version?
RE: Sylphyo 1.5.0
@fcred I have the older version of Sylphyo, can I use this update?
Sylphyo on Omnisphere with Vangelis patch from Luftrum
I've just purchased Luftrum patches for Omnisphere, and enjoy playing them with Sylpho. No overdubbing, just straight improvisations recorded with my phone. Although this is designed for keyboards these patches work well with EWI.
Wlodek -
Robkoo R1
Youtube has a number of video with Robkoo R1 demonstrations. It seems to be a strong competitor for Sylphyo. A pity the mouthpiece project has been abandoned and the instrument has not been improved for many years. Instead Ayodyo developed a new synth, but this is a very competitive marked, I already have 3 hardware and many software synths. Sylphyo was unique, but now Robkoo seems to have all features and develops fast.
RE: Prospective user with questions
Sylpho is great as MIDI wireless controller, I have Akai EWI 5000, 4000s and USB but use mostly Sylphyo. You may use any MIDI synth, not just Anyma Phi. I have several synths that are superior to Anyma Phi (IMHO).- Yamaha VL-70m with Patchman turbo chip and VL-Wizzard editor (great software);
- Ketron SD-1000 sound module, little box with 500 great sounds.
- DynaSample XO-mini, designed for wind instruments.
and soft synths: - Sample Modeling SWAM Saxophones.
- Omnisphere 2.7
- Sample Tank 4
You can find samples of sounds generated by these synths on this page.
Omnisphere CC assignment and VL-Wizard Editor
Anyone has experience with Omnisphere? It is more for sound design but has a large number of interesting voices that can be stacked, and it is quite fun to play, but I am not sure how to assign CC in the best way using Sylphyo.
I also got fantastic VL-Wizard Editor for Yamaha VL70m, it allows to access all elements of woodwind instruments - saxes, double reeds, flutes, clarinets - that control sound.
See a simple example of warm clarinet below:
https://www.is.umk.pl/~duch/prywatne/Fjukawka/210509-Yamaha-cl.mp3 -
RE: Sylphyo and Roland Integra-7 - Very first impressions!
Google: "Sylphyo" and Roland Integra-7 Youtube,
does not find anything?Ketron SD1000 or VL70m-Wizzard (http://vl70m-editor.com/site/) also work very well with Sylphyo, and are much less expensive. It would be nice to have some comparison of sounds.
RE: Sylpho with SampleTank 4
Exactly. Newer voices work well but older have no dynamics, just on with max loudness, and off, near the threshold you can get kind of chirping, intermittent on/off. Still many voices are quite usable. -
Sylpho with SampleTank 4
I have updated my SampleTank software to v.4. While setting macro in ST4 to use CC11 makes many voices useful with good dynamics (especially samples by Miroslav Philharmonic), some have very sharp attack and are not usable. ST does not provide spacial mode for wind instruments and manual does not give any advice how to adjust it.
Anyone has tried Sylpho with ST4? I have tried linear, semi and log curves but still attack is very sharp, no smooth control over loudness.
Wlodek -
Mold growing inside Sylpho
To avoid blowing hard you may partially plug the exit hole of Sylpho. It works very well making the sound much louder, but your saliva stays inside and looking through the mouthpiece I see mold growing inside. This was really bad for me, and I have to clean it with antiseptic tissue, which is not quite easy. I guess for some people this may be a problem, and you should clean it frequently. Unless the interior of the instrument is silvered, as it is done in some refrigerators, there is no easy way to avoid it.
Confusing user guide
The user guide simple says: plug in your headphones and you should hear sounds. Except if you have older version of Sylpho without internal sounds. The guide does not mention that older version at all, and it is not clear whether new updates can be applied, as they seem to differ only by adding new internal sounds. In the older version there is no Sound section in the setup.
Please let us know which firmware still works with Sylpho before link was introduced. -
Sending output to several MIDI channels
Sylpho selects single output MIDI channels.
Is there an easy way to send output to several channels to activate multiple voices in the connected synthesizer without using sophisticated software? -
Firmware 1.4
I do not have link receiver, just the old receiver. I am afraid that many people may confuse the reciever with link receiver and there is no way to update it.
After updating Sylphyo to 1.4 left pinki key stopped working. I have tried different fingering, switching on/off and restarting everything, updated for thesecond time, in some fingering right pink works but left does not.
I went back to 1.3.3 and it works fine. So firmaware 1.4 has a problem.
Wlodek -
RE: The best sounds for Sylphyo
@Comrade I have recommended Ketron soundbox elsewhere on this list, and tin whistle and many other flutes are there, here is the EWI USB version. Sylphyo will be similar.
Wlodek -
Flute sounds
It would be great to have such ancient flutes in stand-alone version, beautiful sounds:
https://www.suonopuro.net/virtual_ancient_flutes_en.html?i6s153Unfortunatelly I will not get full Kontakt software to install them.
RE: Budget sound module
@friedus Check my page, no video but many examples of Ketron SD2 and SD1000 with Sylphyo and EWI Akai.
http://www.is.umk.pl/~duch/prywatne/Fjukawka/index.htm -
RE: Program Change shortcut
A step towards faster program change would be to assign individual parameters to each MIDI channel, for example base key and voice selection. I find myself changing from C3 to C4 quite often when changing voices on my synth. This takes much more time than just changing MIDI channel.
RE: The new Aodyo Link receiver
Any information on voices on the receiver?
EWI Technical and Expressive Method
I have found an intersting PhD thesis on EWI Akai; this may be helpful also for Sylphyo players as it contains some details on MIDI, notation and blowing techniques.
Matthew J. Vashlishan, University of Miami,
The Akai Electric Wind Instrument (EWI4000s): A Technical and Expressive Method.
https://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1577&context=oa_dissertations -
Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000 samples
Combination of Sylpho with Ketron sound modules is quite easy to use and has 4 banks with 128 voices each. You can control it directly from Sylpho or via computer with MIDI-OX, a simple program that can control Ketron and other MIDI synth, quickly select your favorite voices and assigns parameters like chorus or reverb to different MIDI channels. After trying many large DAW programs I gave up - too complicated and not doing what I need. MIDI-OX solves the problem. You need to use instrument definition for SD1000, link is on my page.
http://www.is.umk.pl/~duch/prywatne/Fjukawka/index.htmSee Sylphyo on Ketron SD 1000 for samples: Mission Latin Flute | Mission Pan Flute | Mission Oboe. I will add more examples but I have plenty of links to Akai EWI on Ketron that will give you an idea how it sounds. I have Yamaha VL70m with Patchmen's chip, but Ketron sounds much better. A pity their manual ans software support is so poor, but with Sylphyo new firmware and MIDI-OX it works perfectly.
Base key
It would be useful to link base key to particular voices; now I need to change it for some instruments, for example going from saxes to flutes.
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
@wlodzislaw With new firmware setting MIDI program change to send bank info works great with Ketron! Initially I have reversed MLB/LSB, so nothing happens but now I can access all banks and voices.
Thank you, this is very useful and allows the use of Sylphyo without computer. -
RE: Program Change shortcut
Let me second that suggestion; quick change of selected voices would be very useful, especially during live gig.
Wlodek -
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
@wlodzislaw I have noticed that although the beta firmware does not switch Ketron SD1000 control voices when changing directly from Sylpho (ex. jumping from 1 to 72) if I then change the voice by one step (ex. 72 to 73) it works! One step at a time.
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
@join Many thanks, it works fine. I have tested that myself with Yamaha but not with Ketron.
I guess it would be great to have a page with recommendation for different synths.
W -
RE: Sticking tone
I have it switched off, but now with restricted air flow it has not happened for couple hours, so perhaps this was the problem. Plugging the bottom hole with some tissue made such a big difference. Perhaps wind instrument players who are used to blow hard like stronger air flow but EWI players are not use to it. With Akai EWI our problem was just the opposite, lack of air flow.
RE: Why I prefer Sylphyo to Ewi Akai
@join Many thanks, will investigate your advice.
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
@wlodzislaw No progress with MIDI for Ketron? As I have mentioned running it through the computer software programs are changed without problems.
One problem that I have is that with Yamaha blowing soft and then harder increases loudness, with Ketron if initial blow is too soft blowing harder does not increase the loudness. I am playing with different settings, logarithmic curve still seems to be the best and changing other parameters also did not solve the problem. Decreasing sound level by blowing softer works, so it is the initial attack that needs to be sufficiently strong. -
RE: Why I prefer Sylphyo to Ewi Akai
I also disagree completely. Evidently you have not adjusted the breath sensor in your Akai.
I am short of breath with Sylphyo, but not with Akai.
With some synth I have hard time to get louder sounds increasing air flow, blowing harder will not help if initial blow is not sufficiently hard. I am trying to play with controls to change it but so far with little success.
My problem with Akai (I have all 3 models, USB, 4000 and 5000) is that I have developed allergy to nickel, it is fairly common, my skin breaks when I touch it playing for a longer time.
Wireless MIDI is great and instrument is light, and these are real advantages of Sylphyo. -
RE: Sticking tone
I have similar experience with Ketron SD1000, rarely but surely a sticky note appears.
It seems that MIDI setting is a bit different with Ketron, because I cannot change the voices directly interfacing Ketron with Sylphyo, but I can do it via computer controlling Ketron, in my case using Anvil Studio, rather simple program that understands Sylphyo messages and sends them in a form that Ketron accepts. -
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
SD1000 is attached to Roland Cakewalk UM-2 by MIDI, it does not see directly EWI.
SD1000 has also USB input type B (small swuare, not flat), and EWI5000 has the same type socket, but such USB cables (square/square) are impossible to find, so I have never tested that.
W -
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
I also have EWI USB but use it with the computer.
I do not know how to change bank using EWI 5000 directly, but below there are two changes in bank A, and one change in bank B (turned on using Anvil Studio program).From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: AllNotesOff chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: PortamentoOnOff chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: BankSel LSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: ProgramChange chan: 1, value: 2
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 2
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider LSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: AllNotesOff chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: PortamentoOnOff chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: BankSel chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: BankSel LSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: ProgramChange chan: 1, value: 3
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 2
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider LSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: BankSel chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: BankSel LSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: ProgramChange chan: 1, value: 3
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 2
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider LSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: PortamentoOnOff chan: 1 value: 127Here I have switched to bank B using software, looks similar
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: AllNotesOff chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: PortamentoOnOff chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: BankSel chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: BankSel LSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: ProgramChange chan: 1, value: 61
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 2
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider LSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: BankSel chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: BankSel LSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: ProgramChange chan: 1, value: 61
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 2
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 1
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider chan: 1 value: 64
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: DataSlider LSB chan: 1 value: 0
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmMSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: RegisteredParmLSB chan: 1 value: 127
From 1(UM-2G): Chan 1: PortamentoOnOff chan: 1 value: 127W
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
I can also confirm that Yamaha VL70m works very well, including program changes.
Attaching now Sylphyo receiver to Cakewalk UM-2G MIDI-USB interace that connects to the computer via USB and to the Ketron SD1000 I can use software program to change voices, but also Sylphyo changes them without problems.
So the only problem left is direct connection to SD1000. Since this is a small unit and it can work without a computer (at least with the bank A voices) but has no buttons to change voices it would be nice to be able to use it. -
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
Great, thank you. A combination of Sylphyo with some Ketron voices will be great, the box is really small and half of the SD1000 voices work well with EWI, including some string instruments. Meanwhile I have tested Sample Modelling Sax Brothers and it works fine.
I have also used Korg KRONOS workstation, and everything works, including program changes.
Also Syntronic from IK Multimedia works, I still need to reinstall SampleTank to check it.
So it seems to be a problem specific to Ketron.W
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
Yes it works with direct connection with the EWI5000 MIDI OUT (DIN) to the SD1000 MIDI IN (DIN) without any PC connected; I have also tested SD1000 with EWI 4000s. Direct program change is fine, but I cannot change the banks from EWI without PC.
So please find a way to upgrade the Sylphyo firmware to make it work.
Yes, "direct Sylphyo-Ketron connection" is Sylphyo MIDI out receiver powered with the charger connected to the SD1000 MIDI In (with no computer).
Yes, I have only one cable used in all cases, and I can play the default piano sound in both cases.
RE: Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
Thank you for all these questions, I also thought that this should be straightforward but for some reason it does not work.
Sylphyo - I have just updated the firmware to 1.1 and checked it again but nothing has changed.
MIDI connection is OK.
I have used both direct Sylphyo-Ketron connection trying to change programs, with USB connected to power; and Sylphyo-receiver-PC, with receiver-Ketron; in this case I shoudl be able to send via the USB-receiver-KEtron link program changes, but it does not work.
Ketron implementation:
or in the manual:
Sylphyo with Ketron SD1000
I use Ketron SD1000 with Akai EWI, great sounds, little box but no buttons to change voices on the unit itself. It could be a perfect match with Sylphyo but ...
I cannot change voices using Sylphyo, the first program - piano - is always selected and no change of the program or midi channel changes that. Receiver is simply connected via MIDI to Ketron SD1000 and default CC mappings are used. PC Win 10 Home.
I can use Akai EWI 5000 to select another voice in Ketron and then switch to Sylphyo receiver, sometimes the selected voice stays, and can be used with Sylphyo, but cannot be changed from the instrument itself.
Surprisingly also software (Anvil Studio) that I use to change banks and voices on Ketron does not work when I attach Sylphyo receiver to the computer via USB. In this case I have PC-USB-Sylphyo receiver-MIDI-Ketron connection. Somehow this receiver does not send program change information from PC to the Ketron SD1000 synth. Changing voices in software works with USB-to-MIDI converters (like Roland's UM2), but not with Sylphyo receiver. So neither program change from Sylphyo nor from PC works.
Sylpho Bench works without problems.
So I cannot use my favorite synth ... without it Sylpho that I have just bought is rather useless.Wlodzislaw