@Wlodzislaw I am not associated with Aodyo so you will need to address that question to them to be safe. However, I also have an old Sylphyo and the update works fine for me.
Derniers messages publiés par fcred
RE: Sylphyo 1.5.0
Sylphyo 1.5.0
In case nobody noticed, Sylphyo update 1.5.0 was released today.
The new sounds are nice but the trumpet cannot complete with SWAM. On the other hand the Kalinka sounds are fun.
I liked the new plug presets in the breath settings.
RE: Sylphyo and GeoShred app
I get ppp to ff with no problem.I have adopted most of the Sylphyo SWAM recommended settings or their equivalent due to the updated SWAM 3 interface.
The important thing is to set the SWAM compressor to the minimum otherwise the attack (for wind instruments at least) tend to be too aggressive.
The SWAM compressor setting is in the effects page.My Sylphyo settings (with the number 2 stopper) for playing with the iOS SWAM (and occasionally the GeoShred SWAM) are:
Midi mapping
Breath CC11
Send to CC11
Plus Aftertouch
Breath Max
per CC On
Delay if needed On
Velocity 127
Slider ctrl CC1
Top slider ctrl CC12
Bottum slider ctrl CC13
Elevation ctrl CC20
Roll ctrl CC76
Compass ctrl CC77
Keybend ctrl 78Breath
Minimum 40
Range 2100
Curve linear
Filtering OffFingering
Octaves 5(+2)
Invert Octaves Off
Replay Same Note Off
Reaction Time 5 ms
Reaction Time Octaves 30ms
More sensitive OnCheers,
Fred -
RE: Sylphyo and GeoShred app
@thomas You have to set the Sylphyo to use MIDI channel 2 and set the breath CC to aftertouch. The GeoShred MIDI to SWAM (which invokes MPE).
One problem that I had with the GeoShred SWAM was that the attack was too strong.Since I last wrote on this forum I bought an iPad mini and am using the stand alone SWAM apps. The stand alone apps give much more control and are also easier to interface the Sylphyo to.
I use Audiobus and the Sylphyo sound selections to switch between the SWAM instruments.
Fred -
Stand for the Sylphyo
I just had the idea to adapt an old flute stand for the Sylphyo.
Here are the steps:-
Take the flute stand
Take the stand apart.
Saw off the original peg and then drill a 2.5cm deep hole 1 cm from the center. Then reassemble the stand.
Snip a 12.5cm piece off a metal hanger with plastic tubing protection. Push the plastic tube up 2.5cm to expose the metal and glue the exposed metal into the hole to make a pin.
Trim some, but not all of the plastic excess from the end of the pin. The excess plastic protects the Sylphyo from the end of the metal.
I later glued a piece of felt to cover the exposed wood and protect the Sylphyo from scratches.
Now I have a stand that is stable and portable.
RE: Sylphio and GeoShred app
My GeoShred does not have a Sylphyo input. Maybe you are mixing it up with the SWAM MIDI setting?
Sylphyo is a pure MIDI controller. The GeoSWAM input requires a MPE controller. MPE is a complex superset of MIDI.If you are interested, the difference (greatly simplified) is as follows: In pure MIDI note and control data are sent on the same channel. In MPE most control commands are sent on channel 1, whereas note data and some control commands (such as Aftertouch) are sent on channels 2 to 16.
Hence, in order to play GeoSWAM using the Sylphyo you will, at a minimum, need to use the settings that I described earlier: "Sylphyo breath control to Aftertouch, Sylphyo MIDI channel to 2, Sylphyo base note at C4 and the GeoShred MIDI to SWAM."
RE: Sylphyo and GeoShred app
@reidid789 unfortunately you can only get the SWAM on iOS via GeoShred Pro. Audio Modeling have promised a stand alone iOS SWAM early next year if you have the patience to wait.
I picked up GeoShred Play for free a while back and then upgraded to Pro which was cheaper than buying the Pro version outright. I think that GeoShred Play may be free again for Black Friday.
RE: Sylphyo and GeoShred app
@reidid789 I connect the mini jack output to a Roland Mobile Cube and I am very happy with the quality of the sound.
The Roland has a surprisingly good sound when you consider its size. I like the iPhone/Roland combination since it allows me to be as mobile as possible.
RE: Sylphyo and GeoShred app
Please disregard my previous post, GeoFlute with Sylphyo does work! :-)
If you want to know how and are not interested in my continuing ramble, please go to the end.
I was determined to get GeoFlute working.
So since I already have Audiobus on my iPhone, I bought a MIDI converter, mfxConvert, with the aim of converting Aftertouch to Channel Pressure.
Activating the converter in learning mode, I discovered that the Aftertouch of the Sylphyo is really sending MPE Channel Pressure all along!
So what gives?In the end the problem was really simple. GeoFlute only starts from C4 and covers 3 octaves. So simple that it initially didn't occur to me. I had been spoiled by the 5+ octaves of the Sylphyo. :-)
Once I started playing above C4, the result was spectacular. It is the closest sound I have gotten with my Sylphyo to my real flute up to now. I am amazed that a iPhone 6S can generate such a realistic sound. I still have to learn how to control the sound better but I am very optimistic.
I am not sure if some of the other CCs from the Sylpho will need to be remapped from channel 2 to channel 1 to conform to the MPE spec but I have mfxConvert if I need to.
Maybe @Support_AODYO can add a MPE output option in the future and save all this hassle?So, in short, to start playing GeoFlute with Sylphyo, set Sylphyo breath control to Aftertouch, Sylphyo MIDI channel to 2, Sylphyo base note at C4 and the GeoShred MIDI to SWAM. I also recommend that the Echo and Reverb of the GeoFlute be turned off, at least at first.
- Fred
RE: Sylphyo and GeoShred app
I bit the bullet and bought the GeoSWAM Flute.
The short answer is no (or not yet - see below). :-(
The long answer:
Before buying the GeoFlute I read the warning that it requires a MPE so I first tried experimenting with the GeoShred Pro using its MPE Midi input setting. By setting the Sylphyo to channel 2 and setting breath to CC7 I was able to play the GeoShred.So far so good.
I also read that MPE uses Channel Pressure as Aftertouch. Sylphyo has Aftertouch but no Channel Pressure. However, I noticed that Respiro has a MPE-Aftertouch option for breath control. When I set Respiro to this and tried with Sylphyo set to Aftertouch for breath control it worked!
So was the Respiro MPE option mislabelled or was MPE using Aftertouch after all?
The only way to check was to buy GeoFlute and try. Which I did and you know the answer already. it doesn't. :-(Some good news, if I use Sylphyo Inertial mode on Midi channel 2, the GeoFlute plays. This is because the MPE spec has global CC commands on channel 1 and note and expression commands on channels 2-16.
Hence I have the hope that if the fine folk at Aodyo were to add Channel Pressure to the list of breath control options, then it will be possible to play the GeoFlute with Sylphyo using channel 2. How about it @Support_AODYO ?- Fred