@support_aodyo I would be interested to know whether Aodyo has ever performed HAST stress testing on the Sylphyo. In my opinion (as an engineer), moisture is the most likely candidate. If I play for over, say, an hour with a completely dry sylphyo I will start having octave issues eventually during the playing session.
Messages postés par Rick Novy
RE: A Gentle Breeze
RE: A Gentle Breeze
@clint The more I think about this last response of yours, the more I'm coming to the conclusion that the octave sticking issues discussed elsewhere are moisture-driven. Software updates don't seem to fix the problem, and I've noticed it happening well into a playing session or the next day.
I've been using the pad saver because it wicks moisture, but maybe I need to experiment with leaving the sylphyo out and letting the dry Arizona air do its work.
I may do a DOE on this.
RE: Octave issues
@join I must completely remove all my fingers from the pads and stop blowing in order to get it to stop playing the wrong note.
RE: Octave issues
@support_aodyo Sorry for the long wait. Yes, it still occurs with 5 octave mode. I have not tried the other modes. Franky I have never been able to figure out how to work the 5+2, or at least what the manual describes doesn't seem to work for me. I don't see any difference between the 5+5 and 5 octave modes.
I am still experiencing this problem with the update that dropped within the past couple of weeks. I have always used the internal sounds and have not tried it as a midi controller yet, but that's becoming a priority for me, so I'll have some data there sometime soon.
RE: A Gentle Breeze
@clint It seems rather elaborate. I just use one of these Rico clarinet pad guards to first swab out then it leave inside the bore of the instrument. You get two, one for each half of a clarinet. I use one as a spare. I don't see a need for a fan, but then, I live in Arizona and dry air isn't all that hard to find here.
Delay using Phi flute
I'm getting a delay using phi flute setting through link into an amp. I'm trying to learn some of Ian Anderson's flute parts in a couple of Jethro Tull songs, and his staccato style is totally unplayable due to the delay, which is as long as half a second.
RE: Link jitter/latency
@support_aodyo Point of order here. In English, if you say "repair" it means to fix something that is broken. What you mean here is re-pair, as in pair again.
RE: Octave issues
I had a similar issue discussed below. The latest software update and the suggestions seem to have fixed it, but I haven't played much since then due to some health problems that I'm now recovered from. Hopefully will be playing more now. See if what you see now is what I describe in this link:
https://community.aodyo.com/topic/506/octave-gets-stuck-fixed-with-software-update -
Fingering suggestion
I'm a clarinet player but I'm not really happy with clarinet fingerings on sylphyo. There are too many alternate fingerings that don't work on sylphyo, and I end up not getting what I want. That and clarinet breaks in twelfth instead of octaves. Basically, sylphyo isn't really built for clarinet fingerings.
Anyone have suggestions on what a reasonable different fingering map would be a good alternative for me? (I don't want it to be sax.)
Updating the software to the latest version seems to have fixed the issue. I have not experienced the problem, though I must confess I haven't play much since the original post.
RE: Delivery time to U.S. and customs charges?
I ordered from mikrokosmic.com, which is now the US distributor. 100% excellent experience and no customs to clear for the customer because it's already in the US.
RE: Mold growing inside Sylpho
I use a clarinet pad guard (Rico Pad Guard) to dry off whatever it will reach and I store my sylphyo with the pad guard inside to absorb moisture. Link to US Amazon page for this product is below.
RE: Qui utilise un bouchon / Who uses a stopper ?
The problem here is the sylphyo doesn't set up a standing wave like acoustic instruments do, so there's no natural resistance. I just cover half the hole with piece of electrical tape and it feels a lot closer to what I'm used to with a clarinet.
Maxense's reply via email:
Réponse de Maxense par e-mail:
Sorry to hear you are having some problems with Sylphyo clarinet fingering.
Can you tell me if these issues also occur with other fingerings?Let me know if the problems keeps occuring with version 1.4.7.
What you might try is lowering the response time down to around 15ms to start, and then going lower if you feel more comfortable.
I would also recommend not using keybend until you are perfectly comfortable with the Sylphyo fingering.The compass control is used only with midi so it can be left on or off as you desire if you are using the internal sounds with no impact on the sound.
Also if you feel comfortable doing we have just opened up our community forum to support queries, so you may want to post your problem there and we can work on the thread itself so that the community can benefit from the solutions.
Of course feel free to continue emailing privately if you are more comfortable this way.
Désolé d'apprendre que vous rencontrez des problèmes avec le doigté de la clarinette Sylphyo.
Pouvez-vous me dire si ces problèmes se produisent également avec d'autres doigtés?Faites-moi savoir si les problèmes persistent avec la version 1.4.7.
Ce que vous pourriez essayer est de réduire le temps de réponse à environ 15 ms pour commencer, puis de le réduire si vous vous sentez plus à l'aise.
Je recommanderais également de ne pas utiliser le keybend tant que vous n'êtes pas parfaitement à l'aise avec le doigté Sylphyo.Le contrôle de la boussole est utilisé uniquement avec midi, il peut donc être laissé activé ou désactivé à votre guise si vous utilisez les sons internes sans impact sur le son.
De plus, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, nous venons d'ouvrir notre forum communautaire pour prendre en charge les requêtes, vous pouvez donc y publier votre problème et nous pouvons travailler sur le fil lui-même afin que la communauté puisse bénéficier des solutions.
Bien sûr, n'hésitez pas à continuer à envoyer des e-mails en privé si vous êtes plus à l'aise de cette façon.
I submitted this via email but Maxence suggested I post it here also.
J'ai soumis ceci par e-mail mais Maxence m'a suggéré de le poster ici aussi. (Désolé pour google translate.)
I use clarinet fingerings, and since it's not exactly like clarinet, I have been practicing major scales around the circle of fifths to get familiar with the fingerings. I have had trouble with my sylphyo not changing registers when I move my thumb. If I start the descending scale (try F or F# major, and I struggled a lot with B) I use the long version of C, not thumb only.
If I'm on the second thumb pad from the mouthpiece and move down to the third, the tone will get stuck on the second pad register. On rare occasions, it will even go up a register. The register is stuck until I remove all fingers and thumb from the sylphyo and wait a second. Only then will it play the correct tone. If I don't wait, it stays stuck.
The software package is 1.4.6. I only ten minutes ago noticed you released 1.4.7. I will let you know if the problem continues once I upgrade.
This is connecting through the link into a guitar amp.
Instrument settings:
Base key C3
Voice 8 chalumeau (though it has happened on other voices as well)
Midi channel 1
Octaves 5(+2)
Replay same noteReaction time 30ms
Key bend control
Key Noise onSlider pitch bend +/-top edge bend +bottom edge bend -
edge size 12mm
Shake to move on
Shake vibrato on
elevation control on
roll control on
compass control on
Always on
Output midi channel 1
J'utilise des doigtés de clarinette, et comme ce n'est pas exactement comme la clarinette, j'ai pratiqué des gammes majeures autour du cercle des quintes pour me familiariser avec les doigtés. J'ai eu des problèmes avec mon sylphyo ne changeant pas de registre lorsque je bouge mon pouce. Si je commence l'échelle descendante (essayez F ou F # majeur, et j'ai beaucoup lutté avec B), j'utilise la version longue de C, pas seulement le pouce.
Si je suis sur le deuxième pouce de l'embout buccal et que je descends vers le troisième, le son restera bloqué sur le registre du deuxième pad. En de rares occasions, il montera même dans un registre. Le registre est bloqué jusqu'à ce que j'enlève tous les doigts et le pouce du sylphyo et que j'attends une seconde. Ce n'est qu'alors qu'il jouera le ton correct. Si je n'attends pas, ça reste bloqué.
Le progiciel est le 1.4.6. Il y a seulement dix minutes, j'ai remarqué que vous aviez publié la 1.4.7. Je vous ferai savoir si le problème persiste une fois la mise à niveau effectuée.
Il s'agit de se connecter via le lien à un ampli de guitare.
Paramètres de l'instrument:
Clé de base C3
Voix 8 chalumeau (même si cela s'est produit sur d'autres voix également)
Canal Midi 1
Octaves 5 (+2)
Rejouer la même note Temps de réaction 30 ms
Contrôle du pliage des touches
Key Noise on Slider pitch bend +/- courbure du bord supérieur + courbure du bord inférieur -
taille du bord 12 mm
Secouez pour passer à autre chose
Agiter le vibrato
contrôle d'élévation activé
contrôle de roulis activé
contrôle de la boussole activé
Toujours sur
Sortie midi canal 1 -
Clarinet alt fingering
Would it be possible to include the forked F# clarinet fingering in the next update? That fingering is very natural during chromatic runs, whereas the current F# is awkward for chromatic.
RE: New acoustic instruments (v1.4.5 and v1.4.6)
Adding to the list:
Trumpet/trombone phi
Brass section phi
electric guitar phi -
RE: Acoustic instrument method
If this were a traditional woodwind, I'd say get a high school band book and learn from there because it will teach you the fingerings. You can probably do that for some Sylphyo fingering patterns, but I think there are enough differences you may get frustrated.
There is a series of method books for clarinet called the Lazarus Method. That's one option. Just use the fingering chart of your choice from the Sylphyo manual and work your way through the book. It's full of easy and challenging exercises and classical/opera pieces that, although intened for clarinet, aren't really instrument specific for the most part. Just bear in mind the book is intended for a Bb instrument, so you might want to set the sylphyo to transpose. That said, you probably have never heard any of the pieces in the method, so playing in any key probably doesn't make much difference.
the method is a series of three substantial books, and you probably don't need any but the first, but thre are a lot of fun pieces in books 2 and 3.