Merci fcred pour ce message. Bizarre que après que certains aient tant attendu, il n'y ai pas plus de communication par Aodyo sur le sujet.
Il y a tellement longtemps qu'il n'y a pas eu de mise à jour à faire que je ne sais plus le faire ... lol

Derniers messages publiés par reidid789
RE: Sylphyo 1.5.0
Utilitaire qui me plairait bien !
Je viens de découvrir sur le net (bien sur) l'utilitaire Cognitone pour Akai ewi usb.
J'en parle car c'est exactement le ' genre ' d'utilitaire que je souhaiterais avoir avec le Sylphyo et dont j'ai parlé quelquefois sur ce forum. Une fois de plus cela ne m’empêche pas de dormir mais serait le bien venu.
Aodyo parle beaucoup de leurs Anyma mais plus du tout de Sylphyo. Ce serait un bon clin d'oeil de faire un truc comme cela pour les possesseurs de Sylphyo qui continu à se poser des questions. ! -
RE: Update
@Peter-Ostry et @Friedus, I cannot deny that you are both right.
I cannot imagine that no one from Aodyo reads these posts. So, Aodyo, can we have general health information of the start up? -
RE: Update
If I may afford, Friedus, buy Respiro from Imoxplus or Eviner from Davidson Audio & Multimedia and you will no longer need an update of Aodyo.
RE: Update
En ce qui me concerne, je n'attends que le petit utilitaire qui permettrait de gérer tous les paramètres midi du Sylphyo car c'est contraignant directement sur le controleur !?
Pour les sons internes (qualité moyenne +) il y en a assez pour travailler l'instrument. -
RE: Flute players, a real electronic flute mouthpiece is possible!
I am in the same case as you and your message is good!
And I find the video funny. -
RE: Under the Blue Ring
@Peter-Ostry said in Under the Blue Ring:
Slowly, slowly... one strength of the Sylphyo is its very special sensitivity to airflow, which makes it probably the only wind controller that can really sound like a wind instrument. Of course, many of us would like something like the Photon mouthpiece, but it would make the Sylphyo a different instrument because the Sylphyo’s sensor is bypassed and the airflow is measured differently.
For me, it would be fine to be able to use the Sylphyo in two configurations. But I am not sure if I would still like to have these strange touch surfaces of the Sylphyo together with the Photon mouthpiece. I think with the Photon I would like mechanical buttons/flaps better. Special functions like sucking as a separate event are of course great, especially for experimental music.
But even though the Photon mouthpiece promises many features, I would actually prefer to have a better version of the Yamaha WX mouthpiece on the Sylphyo. To let the air flow through and to transmit the position and movement of the reed into the prepared slot to the Sylphyo electronics.
Peter, I was lucky to be able to test the photon1 prototype on the Sylphyo and I assure you that it makes you forget the particular sensitivity to the air flow of the Sylphyo. It is an experience that I wish you because the trio Sylphyo/Photon1 + Respiro (Imoxplus) really sounds like a wind instrument and very far in front of the couple Sylphyo + Respiro.
But as experience is not currently possible, Peter, let's continue to assess Sylphyo as it is while waiting for the necessary evolution of this Wind Controller ... -
RE: Under the Blue Ring
Yes, the photon mouth is exactly that and therefore no more humidity in the Sylphyo which will solve all Clint's problems!
Strongly the final photon ... -
RE: More Internal Sounds needed here!
@Friedus said in More Internal Sounds needed here!:
I use the midi capabilities of the instrument coupled with external software (like samplemodelling) when I am at home. but I want the most really good internal sound because I just want to take the Sylphyo with me and plug in an amp. Not to carry other things like Laptops or Computer etc.
Friedus, But indeed I use an internal sound to work on the Sylphyo in the helmet when I am on the go. In this case I do not need a great audio quality and a sound is enough for me.
As Peter Ostry says we could delete all sounds from the Sylphyo because it is now enough to connect it to your smartphone and use free breathing in displacement. -
RE: More Internal Sounds needed here!
@Laurent_AODYO I had not read your answer when posting precedently on the subject of software to help configure the Sylphyo.
I understand all your problems and your choices. Besides, I do not ask you for new sounds which anyway will not compete with Respiro, Lyrihorn ...
But understand impatience pending tools for Sylphyo who would help us.
And speaking of music, I take advantage of it because in this song there is a lot of Sylphyo and Respiro: