@fcred great !
Messages postés par Fanch35
RE: Robkoo R1
R1 is closer to an EWI than to the Sylphyo.
Sylphyo has an unique way to manage air flow that I really appreciate..
And it's why I'm selling my aerophone ae30 (one of the reasons..). -
RE: More Internal Sounds needed here!
Maxence, ex Sylphyo's team guy is now a Buffet Crampon's guy with a new tech.
The future ? -
RE: More Internal Sounds needed here!
@mathiross : Thanks ! A new song from the past !! you are the worthy son of Yes, King Crimson, Jethro Tull and so many more. And with a Sylphyo. Great.
RE: Warming up with the Sylphyo
@StevieK Thanks Stevie
There is so many possibilities with Respiro that I admire how you have choosen "Camila" as imput in Helix.
I didn't known about the pluggin Helix of the Line 6. -
RE: Warming up with the Sylphyo
@StevieK How do you get the guitar sound ?
RE: Warming up with the Sylphyo
@StevieK said in Warming up with the Sylphyo:
Elevated Jam tracks
Whaouuhhh ! A Sylphyo's Hero !! What type of strings ? D'Addario ? LOL
RE: Minimum Breath Pressure
@Clint Perhaps you could check the midi messages coming out of the sylphyo ?
RE: Minimum Breath Pressure
@Clint conclusion : origin is not moisture or droplets ! OR too much cleaning generating something wrong on a sensor... And it get me anxious about My Sylphyo...
RE: Minimum Breath Pressure
@Clint Did you use the silk swab "Sylphyo" to clean inside ?
RE: Is Aodyo committed to continued support for Sylphyo?
Completely agree with @Clint and @Peter-Ostry
I'm too a LUB' man...What is the main force of the Sylphyo versus Ewi (the main competitor ?) ?
3 ways to manage a CC number only by the mouvements of the instrument !
Only the Nurad (i haven't one...) is perhaps superior.
So, for me a priority of an "update" could be an improvement of that huge capacity to manage CC channels.
Keep that specifity, improve it and as we said in Normandy "petit à petit l'oiseau fera son nid".
Enjoy -
RE: Sylphyo developpers, look at that and do something!
lol ! a chinese EWI ?
RE: Any external sound possible without the Link box?
@Clint "...The digital audio output is typically routed to an audio interface..."
Is it because you use usb-host input of audio interface that the PC detect Focurite as an audio output ? -
RE: How about a Sylphyo update now?
Effectivement, mais imaginons un monde idéal, sans délai de livraison, tous composants disponibles, avec un Photon lumineux et une banque sylphyonesque personnelle Respiro ?
RE: How about a Sylphyo update now?
And an another dream :
import some Respiro sounds in a user bank !!
What a Dream, isn't it ? -
RE: Sylphyo and iPhone
@cbec Hello Cbec
I try the same trip : Sylphyo + IPhone + Respiro + playalong
I don't understand what exactly is your configuration (sorry !).
What type of adapter (promate MediaBridge-i ?) and type of Y-cable do you use (Y-USB ?) ?
Thanks -
Splitter jack TRRS
Re : aux-in @Sylphyo for practicing with play-along?
Hello Join
Are you speaking a connector like this one :
"Splitter Jack TRRS pour téléphone vers sortie audio mini jack et entrée micro mini jack"
Thanks -
RE: Link and Ewi Solo
Thanks Frank and Laurent
I just try the opportunity to "connect another controller to link" as said in the Link-user-guide.
And so, I try to control a software/vst with Ewi through Link.OK, it's a bit ... huummm
Yes, Ewi direct in computer : it's OK.
PS : sorry it's Respiro (and not Reverso...)
Link and Ewi Solo
Hello Happy Sylphyonistes !
Link-user-guide :
Page 10 "connect another controller to link"
"If you haven't MIDI DIN 5 pins...use the USB host..."OK, I use the USB Host to connect my Ewi Solo to the Link.
And the Link is connected to my PC with USB power supply.
Idea is to control Reverso / EVI-NER / ... with Ewi via the Link.Result : KO.
Reverso / EVI-NER /... recognise the Link but don't recognise CC signal (it's my interpretation : no activites of controls, no sounds).PS : OK with the CC channel (2 for the both).
Any idea of wat is wrong ?
RE: The sound of silence...
Yes, a smal company, and perhaps difficulties to fight against steamroller as Akai or Roland ; how many Sylphyo or AnimaPhi sold ? enough to get a strong development team ?
I hope the best for Aodyo team (and the Sylphyo' players !) -
RE: high-pitched whistles on Link
Hey Clint !
The Master of the Link !!
How many tries to get the good rendition ?Ok, so, if I have well understood,
because of the mixing between A and L generating "whistles",
it's NOT possible to use LINE IN as an AUDIO INTERFACE for a PC/SoundHardware in the configuration : Sylphyo-Link-PC/SoundHardware ? -
high-pitched whistles on Link
I encounter a problem (since the beginning of my journey with Sylphyo) : I get high-pitched whistles when I use Sylphyo+Link+PC+headphones on Link.My chain :
Sylphyo -> Link : by air;
Link -> PC : "USB power supply" of Link & "USB" of PC;
soft(s) : Reverso or Kontakt or SylphyoBench;
audio device type on PC : "windows audio" or "Asio4all v2";
PC -> Link : via "Headphone OUT" of PC & "LINE IN" of Link;
Link -> Headphones : via "PHONES OUT" of Link or "LINE OUT" of Link;Sum up : Sylphyo+Link+PC+Link+headphones = whistles;
Other configurations :
Sylphyo+Link+headphones = OK;
Sylphyo+Link+PC+headphones = OK;Any idea of the whistles' origin(s) ?
RE: How about a Sylphyo update now?
After an "interactive mouth piece", an other wish : export sound from AnymaPhi and import in Sylphyo...!!!!
RE: Link and PC
Huge progression in my comprehension !
Thanks Clint !!
A question :
OK I understand the VL70 ipod Rig ;
about laptop rig : why do you use Babyface AND Mix5 ? because there is no connector between laptop and Mix5 ? -
RE: Link and PC
Thanks Gromit !
As you may understand I am a beginner in MAO...
So, only Midi signals via UBS between Link and PC.
And so, I need an audio lead between PC'audio and "Line in" Link. Great.
But If I don't want to use the internal audio card of the PC (mine is a cheapest and not powerfull one), do I have to connect an external one ? -
Link and PC
Phase 1 : Sylphyo + Link + Headphone or Speaker = OK
sylphyo : "Silent (Midi Ctrl)"
Headphone (or Speaker) : connect on Link "Phone" out
OK : sounds come from Headphone (or Speaker)Phase 2 : Sylphyo + Link + PC = OK
sylphyo : "Silent (Midi Ctrl)"
PC : windows 10 + Respiro
OK : sounds come from PC-SpeakerPhase 3 : Sylphyo + Link + Headphone or Speaker + PC = KO !
sylphyo : "Silent (Midi Ctrl)"
Headphone (or Speaker) : connect on Link "Phone" out (or "Line" out)
PC : windows 10 + Respiro
KO : sounds come from PC and not from "Link - Speaker"How can I get sounds of Respiro from the Link-Speaker and not from the PC-Speaker ?
Clint' reference : why don't i get sounds from "A@L" out with signals S' ?
RE: How about a Sylphyo update now?
Interactive mouthpiece...
My best wishes.
And yes, I have readed all the posts... but... an interactive mouthpiece !!
At least as an Ewi mouthpiece.
And for the best, a Photon one !!! -
Swam or XpressO woodwinds sounds
Hello Sykphyo breathers
Anyone with REAL experiences between Swam sounds (Audio modeling) and Xpresso (Xpression) sounds for woodwinds instrument ?
One more "realistic" than another ?
One more "artificial / synthétic" ?
Or "are they different" and equally "good" (a question of taste) ?
PS : my question is not about hardware vs software, modelling X vs modelling Y... just about THE sound -
RE: Different sound level between internal sounds
I have just received few hours ago my Breath adjustement kit.
And... all is different !!!
Now it's so easy to produce a huge volume of : MacGuffin, Houseofchords... all the "weaks" before.
And also more easy to modulate the amount of breath and so on to modulate all other sounds.
Waaouuuu !!
Buy yours ! (no, no, I have no actions in Sylphyo Corporate)
But...be careful, "blurp" can be produced by saliva trying to get his way out the kit. -
sylphyobench and Linux
Hello Sylphyobenchies
I try to install sylphyobench on Linux... Huummm !
Has someone succeded ?
Installation is apparently ok but when i start it : "fatal error".ps : I run Mint version and Wine app
re ps : and don't say me Mac (or Win) will be greater... -
RE: Different sound level between internal sounds
Hy Clint
So it's (perhaps) "normal" and non my fault !!
Different sound level between internal sounds
Have you notice how the MacGuffin sound is weak ?
I have to "over" blow, much more than for the other sounds, to reach the same level.
Of course, all internal and external parameters of the Sylphyo being equals.
It's also the case of Houseofchords, SyncAsset and 1984Pad.
Contrary, Sylphatty and the 3phi have very high level sound with a very thin blow.
Any idea ? Normal ? -
RE: Pouce et octave
@daniel57 Merci Daniel pour ce partage d'expérience.
Mon doigté a aussi évolué et je me suis rapproché de la perpendicularité...
Par contre, l'accès aux octaves +3...beaucoup de "couac" encore... -
RE: Intensité son casque
@clint Thank you Clint for your technical response ! I'm a bit clever now.
RE: Intensité son casque
@david-lazzi merci pour ce retour. Effectivement, ma perception de l'intensité sonore varie avec l'instrument choisi ; très certainement une sensibilité à une gamme de fréquence plus ou moins intense selon l'instrument qui sature les tympans (les miens !). En tout cas, quelque soit l'instrument, impossible à écouter à plus de 45 % et la plupart me sont limitent à partir de 30 %.
J'ai essayé avec des écouteurs type phone : idem. Il me faudrait récupérer un casque de qualité pour continuer les tests.
Y-a-t-il un Sylphyoniste qui utilise le 80 % par défaut ? -
RE: Intensité son casque
@support_aodyo Pour l'instant j'utilise un Sennheiser HD 201.
Pouce et octave
Bonjour les sylphyonistes
Petit sondage de la part d'un saxophoniste qui découvre le sylphyo.
Votre position du pouce gauche sur les touches d'octave :- perpendiculaire à l'axe longitudinal du Sylphyo ?
- à 45° ?
- parallèle à l'axe (soit quasi en position verticale) ?
Pour le changement d'octave, votre pouce : - roule ?
- glisse ?
Pour l'instant, j'en suis à 45° qui roule vers le haut et glisse vers le bas (après une nuit blanche de découverte....).
RE: Intensité son casque
OK !!!
Merci, j'ai trouvé mon bonheur.
En fait il fallait que je baisse au moins à 5 %...
Suis-je le seul à être aussi sensible des oreilles casquées ?
Si non, peut-être faudrait-il revoir le calage niveau sonore / gradient 0-100% -
Intensité son casque
Bonjour les Sylphyonistes !
Ça y est, je fais partie de la communauté des souffleurs numériques.
Excellente prise en main (ce qui signifie très bonne ergonomie) et en pleine première exploration des possibilités sonores (et techniques). Bravo Aodyo pour cet outil musical.
Une question : malgré une lecture du mode d'emploi, je n'ai pas trouvé de possibilité de régler le niveau sonore perçu au travers d'un casque branché directement sur le Sylphyo.
Pour plusieurs sons (ex. alto sax phi), le niveau est très fort et n'est supportable (par mes oreilles) qu'avec un souffle réduit à la limite de l'émission du son.
Ai-je loupé un chapitre adéquat dans le mode d'emploi ?
Sinon, Laraaji Phi : j'y ai passé la nuit... -
RE: Sylphyo, mapping and Mainstage
thanks Clint, i will have to prospect Cantabile too.
RE: Sylphyo, mapping and Mainstage
Many thanks Franck !
I have just begun to explore Gig Performer and I think it will be my next toy.
Best Regards
Fanch35 -
Sylphyo, mapping and Mainstage
Hello community
"A chat with Pedro" (youtube.com/watch?v=YC6GELu4Ls4) is really inspiring and a good didacticiel about some uses of Sylphyo. The soft Mainstage (Apple universe) allows to visualize feedback of the key bend controls (for exemple cf. 0:54 of youtube). And my question is : for a PC user (Windows universe ...and MAO's beginner...), what alternative to Mainstage about this visual feedback of controls ?
Hope 2021 will be better and safer than 2020...and more and more nice internal sounds for our Sylphyo.