@fanch35 Quel casque utilisez-vous ? C'est très certainement dû à l'impédance du casque.

Messages postés par Support_AODYO
RE: Intensité son casque
RE: Intensité son casque
@fanch35 Bonjour !
Nous sommes ravis que le Sylphyo vous plaise.
Pour le volume au casque, rien de plus simple. Il y a plusieurs façons de le régler. Soit en utilisant le menu rapide, en tenant la touche Aodyo, tout en tapant sur le slider jusqu'à ce que l'option de réglage du son apparaisse, ensuite il suffit d'utiliser le slider pour régler le son. Il est aussi possible de régler le niveau dans le menu dans la section "son".
Laraaji est super en effet ! Essayez aussi le nouveau Resozen qui va vous faire passer encore une autre nuit blanche...Musicalement,
RE: Angles de "Shake to move"
@jac635 said in Angles de "Shake to move":
Mais les angles d'action sur le volume ne correspondent pas à utilisation du Uilleann pipes.
This looks interesting! We'll keep it in mind for the future but it might take awhile to work on it.
RE: Link jitter/latency
@badblocks Can you try to pair the Link with the Sylphyo again as that will switch the wireless channels and should solve your issue?
Let me know if that works. -
RE: MainStage and LogicPro
@steviek Hello! You need to change the buffer size in Logic Pro and Mainstage. Set it as low as possible so that you don't get any CPU overload and reduce the latency.
If you have a powerful computer you can get away with settings like 64 or even 32. If you also reduce the sampling rate (down to something like 44.1khz) that should also help with latency as you will then be able to reduce the buffer size.I hope this helps!
RE: Updates
@steviek The latest update always contains all the other updates too!
RE: Link jitter/latency
@badblocks Hello! That is not normal at all the Link should give you no perceivable latency and no jitter. Can you try pairing your Sylphyo and Link again so that the wireless channel changes?
In case you need the procedure it is listed here: https://www.aodyo.com/faq-page-en-42.html -
RE: Updates
Yes! An update is planned very soon. We've been quite busy with the Anyma Phi but are planning a lot of good things for the Sylphyo.
RE: Not Saving my Changed Settings after power Down-Up (SOLVED BY FACTORY RESET)
@clint Okay so what you can try is, with whatever version you prefer (I guess 1.4.8b4 since it has your fingerings) you can do a factory reset and let me know if that changes anything.
For your fingerings, we will be adding them to the release version of 1.4.8, they just are not present in that build of the beta, so don't worry!
RE: Not Saving my Changed Settings after power Down-Up (SOLVED BY FACTORY RESET)
@clint No I haven't seen this before. It might have something to do with the beta. Can you load 1.4.8b10 and let me know if that corrects the issue?
RE: Not Saving my Changed Settings after power Down-Up (SOLVED BY FACTORY RESET)
Hi Clint,
Sorry to hear that. Which version are you on?
Is it all changes that are lost or just the latest changes you make ? -
RE: Trumpet fingering: use tilt for changing harmonic instead of left thumb?
Cool idea for using tilt! At the moment it would be a bit difficult for us to implement but we can keep it in mind for the future.
RE: Middle C
Hello Clint,
When looking at the Sylphyo screen, the top option mentions the default note, which is C3. You can of course feel free to change it to any note you want between C1 and C7. Please keep in mind this note refers to a C fingering where the octave key being used is the second from the top (the "middle" key).
In order to change it quickly, you can hold the Aodyo key to access the quick menu, press the top octave button to select the note selection and use either the slider or the bottom two octave buttons to select your preferred note.
I hope this helps!
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@David-Lazzi It should still work decently! It just takes a bit of time to get used to it. Once you are used to having something blocking the hole you will be able to do these techniques well. Growl is something interesting because it does not work well in general with breath sensors. If you manage to make it work I would be curious as to what kind of technique you are using!
RE: Octave issues
Just to verify something @ijfritz @Rick-Novy @badblocks does this issue still occur when you go for the 5 octave or 3 octave mode instead of 5+2 or 3+2?
Let me know
RE: Octave issues
@ijfritz My apologies for that, I think there was a bit of a communication error. We had looked at the video but were subsequently unable to open it. We've since managed to open it again and are having another look into the issue.
Thank you,
RE: Octave issues
@ijfritz Hi Ian, to be clear, we looked at your video and tried to replicate the issue according to the video but could not seem to do this. To be safe, we decided to send you a replacement unit.
Thank you,
RE: Aodyo Sylphyo DAW REASON11
@zplinter Sylphyo is a midi controller so will work with Reason.
The V1 is the older version that was just a midi controller. V2 is the version currently sold everywhere which comes with built-in sounds. If you find a V1 version used that you want to buy, it is also possible for us to upgrade it to a V2 version if you send it back to us.Best,
RE: Doigté de Chalumeau
Je vous envoie un message sur le forum pour pouvoir en discuter.
RE: Micro-tonalité
Bonjour David,
Pour le moment le Sylphyo ne permet pas de jouer des quarts de tons, mais nous avons mis en place quelques systèmes préliminaires pour travailler sur cette fonctionnalité.
Vous pouvez utiliser la fonction key-bend pour faire une approximation de quarts de tons mais cela reste imprécis. -
RE: Custom fingering edition
@David-Lazzi Hello,
This is not something we have spoken about, and we have nothing to announce with regards to fingering editing.
We will let you know if we do plan to announce anything!Thank you,
RE: Charging Indicator
@reidid789 QC3.0 as far as I know is Qualcomm Quick Charge technology. It shouldn't impact anything on the Sylphyo.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@zzrichie nous allons annoncer quelque chose a ce sujet bientot !
RE: Octave issues
@badblocks Hello! As I wrote in my email to you, I've been testing this on ewi fingering mode for a few hours and have not been able to replicate this issue. Maybe a bit more practice would solve it?
Otherwise, let me know if the issue persists and we can see some other solutions. Could you tell me what software version you are on and what settings your Sylphyo is set to ? It would be easier if you tried it on the default settings (you can reset the Sylphyo in the menu) so that we can be sure to test in the same conditions.Best,
RE: Pairing with Link in v.1.4.7?
@Hamcat said in Pairing with Link in v.1.4.7?:
I've tried all the solutions listed in the 2 threads about the same issue and nothing helps...
So far one of the solutions is to install the 1.4.8 beta update which I can send you in a message. Some users have also had success with installing the update several times until the pairing functions again. Let me know if you have any luck.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@badblocks Are you still having this issue? Have you tried resetting or reinstalling the latest update?
RE: Sylphyo Font Folio
Wow! Great work @Clint . Thanks for taking the time to do this. For everyone, please keep in mind the native american flute fingerings referenced are currently in beta and will likely be released with the next update. We also have some new flute fingerings (extended range) as well as a new sax fingering mode which will likely come out at the same time.
RE: Charging Indicator
@reidid789 Pour le moment nous n'avons pas prévu d'avoir un indicateur de charge autre que celui qui est présent en allumant l'instrument en le chargeant.
For the moment we have not planned to offer a charging indicator other than the one present when turning on the instrument while charging it.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@badblocks Don't block the entire hole since it creates backpressure and traps humidity! This might be why you were experiencing these issues.
RE: Letting users create sounds (access to sound transfer app)?
@palsyl No news yet, but we are still working on it and will be sure to send out an update as soon as we can say everything with certainty!
RE: Charging Indicator
@Clint Good catch Clint ! Yes it does indeed have a little charging indicator when turned on and charging.
RE: Link USB Interaction
@Clint The Link should only be drawing about 130mA. If you use the USB host port as well, the consumption of the hosted device gets added on.
RE: Link USB Interaction
@Clint Your current configuration is correct Clint! I think the issue mentioned above came from your computer's power management of the (I am guessing?) PCIe extension card's USB 2.0. USB A to USB A would indeed not work.
RE: Link USB Interaction
@Clint Considering the details you've provided, this sounds like the USB 2.0 ports on the board both share the same power source, and the Link + RME interface together were drawing too much power.
I don't really see any other explanation for it since both devices work fine together when using other ports.
RE: What is the status of the development of the "active" (pressure sensitive) mouthpiece?
@MusicOne I am not sure where you got this information and I am sorry to disappoint you. I can tell you we are not working on an active mouthpiece at the moment.
RE: How does work octaves key?
@Dan You can try changing the base key of your Sylphyo. If you want to play higher notes you can set the base key to C4 for example which will allow you to play up to A6 with the flute fingering. The base key refers to the low C fingering when using the middle octave key (second key from the top). You can try playing different sounds and also changing the base note and let me know if that works.
RE: Reaper Track Icons
@Clint Here is the zip file uploaded to this forum directly for all interested.
Thanks Clint!
RE: What is the status of the development of the "active" (pressure sensitive) mouthpiece?
Hello, we are not currently working on an active mouthpiece. The Photon by Imoxplus is currently in the works by Imoxplus as you said and is quite a good mouthpiece, which works well with the Sylphyo. I've had the chance to test it thoroughly with Sylphyo (you can find a video on youtube).
If we start to work on an active mouthpiece, we will be sure to keep the community informed! Thanks for your questions.
Aodyo Instruments
Aodyo.com -
RE: Patch Change commands?
Yes, as of update 1.4.5, you can issue program change commands as well as CC7 volume commands from an external source into the Link receiver.
Aodyo Instruments
Aodyo.com -
RE: Delivery time to U.S. and customs charges?
@Rick-Novy I fixed the URL :)
RE: Link as an Interface
@Clint There are no plans as of now to make the Link into an audio interface. If we start doing this we will let you know!
You could definitely use the midi inputs of your RME interface to plug in the Link.
For a USB hub, we have had mixed results. They don't work for updating either the Link or the Sylphyo, but some of them (especially the powered ones) work well for Midi.
Let me know if you have more questions.
Aodyo Instruments
Aodyo.com -
RE: Link Line In/Out Balanced?
Hi Clint,
The line in connector is unbalanced TRS (used to get a stereo signal).
The line out connectors are both unbalanced TS.I hope this helps.
Aodyo Instruments
Aodyo.com -
@Rick-Novy Thanks for the update for this. Good to hear updating fixed your issue. Let me know if you have any more questions :)
RE: Flying with Sylphyo
Hi Clint,
I've actually flown to a fair number of places (including the US) with my Sylphyo and have never had any issues with it. I often travel with my Sylphyo, Link, rack-mounted audio interface, as well as a few different synths and all the cabling to connect everything and the security act like they've seen it all before (which they probably have...).
We would of course advise you to get a case for it if you can (it should fit in a lot of these cases you are showing above). We actually sell a soft case that fits both the Sylphyo and the Link on our website.Let me know if you have more questions.
Aodyo Instruments
Aodyo.com -
RE: Support for high-resolution MIDI?
@Clint We have experienced some similar issues with Kontakt in the past. It's quite difficult to set it to respond to wind controllers in a satisfactory way. You could try changing the Midi note-off delay on the Sylphyo and see if that changes anything?
Let me know what you come up with.
RE: LED Setting
@Clint Only the Snow edition Sylphyos have a LED! The settings on the Sylphyo do not control the LED on the Link