@Friedus I think, that nobody really knows, what is going on with Aodyo. The communication between Aodyo and its customers seems to be a desaster, but i hope, that Aodyo comes back.

Messages postés par StevieK
RE: Aodyo lives?
Blocking of Spammers
Hi all,
the Blocking of Spammers in this forum doesn‘t work. Does anybody make the same experience? -
RE: More Internal Sounds needed here!
@Friedus I‘m really disappointed about the communication of Aodyo. If they don‘t have any ideas for a further development of the sylphyo, they should be honest and talk about the upcoming end of the Sylphyo or sell their patents to Yamaha or Roland or somebody else. I don‘t want that Sylphyo dies. It is a great instrument and could have a great future.
Aodyo: Please give your customers hope, no dope!
RE: Soon
@doul It doesn't seem to be Sylphyo V.3. :-).
I will wait up this new instrument. If it is not a new Sylphyo, I will probably say goodbye to Sylphyo (and Aodyo). Too many problems with the Sylphyo.
Problem with the Sylphyo
G5 doesn't work anymore. Had anybody or a similar problem?
Thanks in advance!
RE: Warming up with the Sylphyo
@Gromit I have compared "Electro Fuse" with the possibilities of Helix Native to set up a guitar-like sound. There are much more alternatives in the Helix-Plugin and the sound is much more "guitarish" than Electro Fuse.
RE: Warming up with the Sylphyo
@Fanch35 I use MainStage. Respiro and Helix Native.
Respiro: Setting "Camilla flowers windsynth 02"
Helix Native:
The essential part is the Helix Native. If you want the exact settings, let me know.
Warming up with the Sylphyo
Hi all,
this is a very, very, very simple warmup, based on a backing track from Elevated Jam tracks (have bought the backing track). No mixing, just live. Sylphyo begins at 00:21. It's nothing perfect, just to come on temperature.Here's the link: https://c.web.de/@400571456808813532/dT2Vmf9dQqe8Gyoxa_rEuA
Have fun!
RE: Chord playing with the Sylphyo
@Paul-Flute Great! I didn‘t know that MainStage has such a Plugin! I will try it out as soon as possible! Thank you very much for your hint!
Chord playing with the Sylphyo
With MainStage and the SWAM instruments it is easy to play triad chords. Has anybody an idea to play mixed chords (triad, sept, dim., etc)?
RE: Sylphyo Battery
@Clint Hi Clint,
Aodyo tells me to send back the Bagheera to change the battery. But I hat to wait about 3 months to get my "normal" sylphyo back. So I hesitate to send my bagheera to Aodyo. I can live without a fully functional battery.
RE: Sylphyo developpers, look at that and do something!
I hope the Aodyo team will wake up and will keep on going to support the Sylphyo in a much better way than in the past! But my hope decreases from day to day....:-( -
USB-C charging interface
New EU-Law for 2024: USB-C charging interface for alle Smartphones and other devices: Sylphyo too?
What do you think? Is it time for a new Sylphyo (V.3)?
RE: Sylphyo Battery
@paul-flute It didn't work. The battery discharges definitely after two hours. Wtf.....
RE: How about a Sylphyo update now?
@fanch35 imoxplus can‘t deliver photon because of a lack of chips.
RE: Sylphyo Battery
After two hours, the battery was empty.
Now I have a Sylphyo with a display error (in retoure) and a brand new bagheera with a battery, that has only a capacity for two hours.
Aodyo, please tell me what I can do. -
Sylphyo Battery
i have a new Sylphyo Bagheera. All things work properly, but the battery gets after one hour playing the Sylphyo on half of the loading capacity. Diagnostic says, that the battery is about 3980mV. Does the battery stay for another five hours (the display says, half of the capacity is used). I have charged the Sylphyo for 24 hours.What can I do?
RE: Plan B
@clint Thank you very much for your detailed answer! Have a good time!
RE: Plan B
Hi Clint, you mentioned that you use backing tracks for your gigs. Can you tell me something about your backing tracks? Do you have produced yourself or do you use other tracks? I use for learning and practice backing tracks from Elevated Jam Tracks and from the Schott Music Company (Germany), e.g. Jazz-, Rock- and Soul-Ballads. The I use Musescore, tonally and other software (e.g. tonestro).
RE: The sound of silence...
@peter-ostry I believe in the future of Sylphyo, so i have bought a second Sylphyo. When i get the new Sylphyo, i can sent back the old one due to an display-error (in warranty time) and hope i will get a new one.
RE: The sound of silence...
Aodyo will be in Berlin in May 2022 to present Anyma Phi at Superbooth. Why not the Sylphyo?
Aodyo, please help us!
Is the Sylphyo dead or alive? -
RE: The sound of silence...
I wish we could have a short statement from Aodyo.
The sound of silence...
or is it the kiss of death? Is it worth to invest more and more effort in playing Sylphyo or is it better to change the instrument? Why don't we hear anything about the Sylphyo from Aodyo? Is there a long term commitment to Sylphyo? What are the next steps from Aodyo? Software update? New mouthpiece? Sylphyo V.3 or anything else?
What do other Sylphyo users mean? -
Bagheera sold out?
Will it come back or will coming a new version or is this a beginning of a big sale?
RE: Direct vs Link Latency
@clint I must say that latency is no problem for me (Roland Integra 7 as sound module and Line6 Helix as effect device). The moisture problem comes and goes. I have changed my "lips configuration", so saliva doesn't flow so much into the Sylphyo. Perhaps in the future the DLIP-Method could play an important role in the Sylphyo- manufacturing.
RE: Direct vs Link Latency
@clint Thank you for your work, Clint! I‘m a little bit disappointed, that nobody of Aodyo comments your efforts! And i‘m confused about Aodyo: What is their roadmap?
RE: Waiting for good news in 2022
@peter-ostry Don't misunderstand me, I like the Sylphyo from the first day and honestly, I don't want another instrument. But I want more communication from Aodyo. I want that more people play the Sylphyo, so Aodyo can grow and will have more capacities. Does have Sylphyo reached a "critical mass"? I don't know. But last year it seems that the Sylphyo din't have the attention as the AnimaPhi. I would suggest to Aodyo to open a blog, where they could tell us about the further development.
RE: Waiting for good news in 2022
I don't believe that only a software update is enough. There must be coming more. The production quality of the Sylphyo is really bad (e.g. I have pixel errors in the display), there is no solution for the moisture problem and I think, that nobody uses the internal sounds (am I right? :-)). It needs a significant improvement.
Waiting for good news in 2022
Hello Aodyo Support,
can you tell us something new about the Sylphyo?
Can we count with a new update, or a Sylphyo V3 or a new mouthpiece or something else?
Roland comes out with AE-20, Lekholm with the new DM48X, odisei with the travel sax 2.
Sylphyo is great, but there are many, many alternatives.
RE: Multiple Midi Channels
@steviek .....and in different keys (but only 12, not 16 :-))
RE: Multiple Midi Channels
@paul-flute You can do this with the Roland Integra7 soundmodule. You can Play 16 instruments simultaneously on one Midi-Channel.
RE: Multiple Midi Channels
@paul-flute The Sylphyo is a monophonic instrument, like any other wind instrument. Do you have an example for a polyphonic usage of the Sylphyo?
RE: The moisture problem
Perhaps the Direct Laser Interference Patterning (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0VP3uAVDa8) could be interesting.
The moisture problem
Hello all,
every Sylphyo user knows about the moisture problem (like all brass players have :-). What about an inner surface with a lotus effect? Could that be the solution?Steve
Waiting for good news until Christmas.....
Hello all,
I'm waiting for some news for the Sylphyo, e.g. a new update, or a Sylphyo V3 or a new mouthpiece or something else, which could be a booster for the Sylphyo.What do you want on new features for the Sylphyo until Christmas?
RE: Rig Schematics
@steviek I just changed a little bit my config:
Focusrite Line Out 2 -> VOX Line In 2
I have now following mixing possibilities:
Focusrite Line In 1: XPressO
Focusrite Line In 2: Integra7
Focusrite Line In 3: XPressO and Integra7 (without Helix)VOX Line In 1: XPressO and Integra7 with Helix Effects
VOX Line In 2: XPressO and Integra7 without Helix EffectsExamples:
1.) Focusrite Line In 1 On and Focusrite Line In 2 off and VOX Line In 1 on and VOX Line In 2 off -> only XPressO with Helix Effects
2.) Focusrite Line In 1 On and Focusrite Line In 2 on and VOX Line In 1 off and VOX Line In 2 on -> XPressO and Integra7 mixed without Helix"On" and "Off" doesn't mean switches, but normal mixing.
The Focusrite Line In 3 is something "special": It's the original (XPressO and Integra7) Output (Unbuffered Output of the Helix).
RE: Rig Schematics
@peter-ostry I mix the signals with the Focusrite input controls. So it's fixed during the playing.
RE: Rig Schematics
I have not (yet) a documentation for my rack, but only a photo. The config works very well for me (mixing three different signals).
- Midi Solutions M8 (8-Input Midi Merger)
- Focusrite 18i20 Audio Interface
- Line6 Helix Rack
- Roland Integra 7
- Dynasample XPressO
- VOX KB50 (not in picture)
Sylphyo Link MIDI Out -> M8 MIDI In
M8 MIDI Out 1 -> Xpresso MIDI In and
M8 MIDI Out 2 -> Integra 7XPressO Line Out -> Focusrite Line In 1
Integra 7 Line Out -> Focusrite Line In 2
Helix Unbuffered Out -> Focusrite Line In 3Focusrite Line Out -> Helix Line In (looks like a loop, but it works :-))
Helix Line Out right -> VOX Line In 1
Helix Line Out left -> VOX Line In 2 -
Sylphyo Pearl Limited Edition
This limited edition is mentioned in the Sylphyo user guide. Does anybody know, which features will this edition have?
RE: Sylphyo and Roland Integra-7 - Very first impressions!
@mothyb I have no problems with stucking notes. Emulating instruments with the Integra-7 is my interest, too. The Brass and woodwinds are awesome, and I often use harmonica, accordion and some synths. Yesterday I had a strange behavior: My Sylphyo was in Chalmuneau-Mode and the Integra-7 in Sopran-Recorder. Suddenly I heard both Instruments. Restart didn't help. I changed the Sylphyo to silent-mode (Midi-Control only, no 35), and now it works perfectly. If I have enough time, I will a demo with Sylphyo and Integra-7.
RE: Sylphyo and Roland Integra-7 - Very first impressions!
@wlodzislaw Sorry, I meant videos about the Roland Integra-7 only. There are no videos with Integra-7 and Sylphyo together.
Sylphyo and Roland Integra-7 - Very first impressions!
Hi folks,
I bought the Roland Integra-7 sound module last week, and I have experimented every day with this hardware. All I can say at this moment is: WOW!!!!!!!!
Sylphyo and Integra-7 are working together so good, that you can think Integra-7 was made for loving Sylphyo!
The sound is incredible, no latency, the natural tone is perfect!
The configurations are awesome. You can play from one to 16 sounds simultaneously (if you want it).
The number of sounds are more than I need, the config-parameter are more than I will probably use.
My impression after one week: the Integra-7 makes the Sylphyo to more than hundred instruments in one with perfect sounds!
Everybody who has the chance to test the Integra-7 should not hesitate!
Everybody who wants to play sax, trombone, oboe, horn, clarinet and many other instruments in an unexpected quality: Integra-7 is the game changer!
Look at the YouTube-videos about integrating-7!Steve
Hello everybody,
does the latest update contain any other updates or do I have to implement every update?Thanks!