Normal Roll
Left 0-127, Right 0-127. Full range at both sides, but no side indication. We cannot send this to different targets based on roll direction.
Bidirectional Roll
This we can send to different targets. Left 0-63, Right 65-127. But we have only half the MIDI resolution. Can sound stepped, depending on the controlled instrument parameter. Unusable for greater pitchbend ranges since most instruments support 7Bit pitchbend only.
Absolute Roll
In normal and bidirectional mode we have a "platform" between left and right roll output (= hysteresis = good). But you do not always want that. We could switch to "absolute" Roll to get smoother output across the middle position, but in absolute mode the movement range goes nearly to 90° left and right, which is impractical. MIDI goes 0-127, so scaling this output to a usable movement range and mapping it to left/right in software leaves us at about 20% of the MIDI resolution.
What I want:
Normal Roll
An additional CC output that tells the Roll direction.
Absolute Roll
Scalable movement range in degrees like in normal and bidirectional modes.