@Peter-Ostry I use the Sonuus i2M which works well for flute and triggering midi from a host of different applications...
Messages postés par Paul Flute
RE: Breath Control to Velocity
RE: Breath Control to Velocity
@Clint You may be able to do this in Logic, or similar. If you haven't used this program, a learning curve,, Tho it is geared more towards studio work, you can set it up in live mode....look in the environment section or even write a script. Lots on youtube...
RE: Mouthpiece Mod to reduce Moisture
@Clint Have you considered fitting a USB rechargable fan to the Sylphyo. I was wondering what a fan at the bottom blowing up into the Sylphyo would do to the breath control... and mobility?? .. or this? https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/294118356438?hash=item447ad1f5d6:g:bxkAAOSwaFNgdPGB&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoISpy1KRyutzk5ty%2BGlhSw1UmUymiC0UlovTF5gjv0ij2uEiS7xG3No%2FLjHALJx0Mu4GcyRb7wt9T7FDWgT39H5QWaDVdHVosvUO2bjPObLTBe%2B4GKbrhYHXK%2BcgEw%2BxZt4iPLl3DpmgZsgAUzk284%2B7QnuRzeAxi%2Fv8DK19SWfpAnq2VgSA0UKV1jTlAOWV6r8dN5FQl7VpVMOXnqdqNzM%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6anr9_HYQ
RE: Breath Support?
@wwoodard8 I am a flute player. The breath support is far easier on the Sylphyo. You can set the breath control to how you like it. Unless you have serious health/lung problems, I do not see any problems with breath support, it is minimal on the Sylphyo, and no special exercises are needed.... Do you own one or are you thinking of buying one? I recommend the breath adjustment kit, which gives you three options of plug sizes for the bottom end of the instrument.
I use the middle size one....cost 20 Euros... or you can make your own improvised plug... thanks -
Flute players, a real electronic flute mouthpiece is possible!
I have always wanted an electronic flute to become available. I came across this genius... Particularly interesting are his simple ideas for a real functioning electronic flute mouthpiece. I hope some company uses these ideas to come up with the first professional electronic flute.. Cheers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkaP1IJqq98. and improved https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apv0SkPBXDA
RE: Sylphyo Bench with/without Link Controller and Mac
@ahiotis Forget the Bench software, it doesn't do much. Mine keeps crashing.... Just connect your Link to the mac using the USB power supply plug. You can use midi monitor (free to download) on your mac if you want to monitor the midi input. Logic also has midi monitor capabilities. You can still connect the outputs from the link into a mixer and hear the internal sounds. There are an infinite number of sounds you can generate using the mac, Logic, and other software.
RE: More Internal Sounds needed here!
@reidid789 Wow, great music. Thanks
RE: More Internal Sounds needed here!
@Laurent_AODYO Thanks for your appearance here, although not very satisfying to Sylphyo players.
As one is able to trigger an infinite number of sounds using the midi capabilities of the instrument coupled with external software, I would rather you 'bite the bullet' and concentrate on developing the new and enhanced firmware upgrade to enable new control features, software editor/backup tools etc.
To make an analogy, (forgive me) ... it is like producing the same model old car without update, but making it available in 5 new colours every couple of years....
I have demonstrated the Sylphyo to a number of interested people, who have been impressed, but the shortcomings of the instrument have been noticed....
Thanks again for all the hard work at Aodyo, please do not leave us behind. -
RE: Sylphyo won't save base settings
@Clint Exactly why we need the function to save the settings to an external device, and to restore to Sylphyo...
Aodyo settings key at top of Sylphyo
I have often inadvertently touched this button while playing, and put the Sylphyo into 'Quick Settings' mode and sometimes into 'Settings' mode. (Unless the Sylphyo is doing this itself....) Of course the Sylphyo stops responding to playing... Wondering if anyone else has this problem, and is worthwhile noting to Aodyo in future models, to have a depressible on /off / hold settings button instead? Thanks.
RE: How to send my Sylphyo in for Service
@Clint Aodyo was not very responsive to my problems, and took weeks before they agreed to investigate the problem with mine. Finally organised with DHL to return it, and had it for 5 or 6 weeks couldn't find a problem, and apparently applied a waterproof coating internally...before they returned it to me, On arrival back in Australia I was forced to pay $270 AUD for customs to release it to me, as it was not made clear to DHL it was a return. I hope you have better luck....
RE: Music example: Sylphyo in a cave
@Peter-Ostry The link appears to not work?
RE: General thoughts on top three thumb positions
@wwoodard8 You can stick a small piece of copper tape on the centre circle/key of the top three octave keys, or any of the other keys to give your thumb a 'home key' you can feel. In my pic, I have used copper tape to effectively increase the size of the first of the lower two octave keys, which makes the transition from top three to bottom two octave keys easier and smoother. I have also used copper tape to 'expand' the placement of the pinky keys, as I have very large hands. Also do exercises such as moving the thumb up and down to play all 5 octaves of a note smoothly and consciously always placing your thumb on the middle of the upper three first, before adjusting to play the octave you want.
RE: Sylphyo to enter scores with the MuseScore application ?
@Peter-Ostry I agree with Peter. If your main purpose in buying a Sylphyo is to enter scores, it is not a good idea. However a wind controller such as Sylphyo opens the door to incredible possibilities and creativity in electronic music creation. Like Jean-Louis, I do not play keyboard, and have been playing flute for many decades, and although the Sylphyo does have its anomalies and limitations, (I have been very frustrated at times), it is easy to learn for a flute player, I use flute alt fingering, and have made a modification using copper tape from the left pinky down to beyond the right pinky keys. see my post... https://community.aodyo.com/topic/871/new-natural-flute-fingering....(I have very large hands) This makes the lower notes more like a conventional flute for me. Have fun!
RE: Sylphyo to enter scores with the MuseScore application ?
@Jean-Louis I managed to input some notes in MuseScore with my Sylphyo. (using the Link) Watch; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ1b1aF9lpg. You can also create midi files in other programs, which may be easier for some folks, (if they allow you to export midi files), and drag them into MuseScore. If you are going to play with midi, I highly recommend something like Logic X as well as Mainstage. If using a mac. Cheers
RE: Sylphyo to enter scores with the MuseScore application ?
@Jean-Louis Theoretically this is possible to enter melody lines (single notes). Chords may be tricky. I have not done this, but am interested in how accurately the Sylphyo would do this....
RE: Is there any way to know when the Base Key changes?
@Paul-Flute I did a reset, and that solved the problem of extraneous midi messages. However, initially the note on/off messages stopped when changing Base Key, but now trying it again, it is happening? Thanks
RE: Is there any way to know when the Base Key changes?
@Laurent_AODYO That was just from turning on the Sylphyo, taking care not to touch any keys or slider... ???
RE: Is there any way to know when the Base Key changes?
@Laurent_AODYO I will do a reset tomorrow. Meanwhile here are the midi monitor screen shots. V.1.4.8 ** Thanks
RE: Is there any way to know when the Base Key changes?
@Laurent_AODYO Yes, If I connect the usb on the Sylphyo directly to my mac, I get a similar slew of midi messages when I turn on the Sylphyo. I also get the same note on/off messages when I change the base key using the Quick Settings menu. If you remember I sent my Sylphyo back to Aodyo about 1 year ago, because of the strange problems of it generating weird noises. You could not find a problem...and apparently applied a waterproof coating inside and returned it to me.... Perhaps it still has a problem??? Cheers
RE: Is there any way to know when the Base Key changes?
@Laurent_AODYO Hi Laurent. No, I did not setup any control to send "general Purpose 7 ' I have just checked all my controls. My Sylphyo is definitely sending note on/off messages when I change the base key in 'Quick Settings' menu. Please see my Midi Monitor screen shot. ... I was not playing a chromatic scale, I was changing base note, taking care not to touch any other keys.... Does my Sylphyo have a problem? This is what happens when I turn on my Sylphyo
, taking care not to touch any keys.
RE: Is there any way to know when the Base Key changes?
@Clint The question is, would these note on/off messages my Sylphyo is sending on base note change, help you, if your Sylphyo did the same? Then I would press Laurent for an answer on which setting would allow this. Perhaps my Sylphyo has a problem? Mine also sends a lot of 'General Purpose 7' messages in rapid succession at various times, usually after switching the Sylphyo on. hmmmmm..... I would still recommend adding some kind of foot controller like the softstep, to your arsenal....
RE: Is there any way to know when the Base Key changes?
@Clint What is the plug in? Can you program it to accept a midi message that will tell it the base key. For that kind of thing I use a midi foot controller (softstep), which is programmable, and does not require hands... a worthwhile investment, as it is extremely versatile and multi functional..... *** The sylphyo does send note on/note off messages when changing the base key, but it seems to be a step/note behind. See attached pic. Depends how versatile the programming on the plugin is.... Cheers
RE: Chord playing with the Sylphyo
@StevieK You can use the ChordTrig in Mainstage and in Logic, to trigger any chord.
You can watch Pedro Eustache using the Sylphyo thumb slider to select two different chords he has set up here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX74xgosAek. There are also other software programs that can create chords for you. Cheers! -
RE: Sylphyo - recovering from deep discharge state questions
Uninterrupted.... why would you want to interrupt charging for an hour? Use the charger provided, many chargers have differing output power specifications. Again why would you try another? Come to life? Keep the power switch on the Sylphyo off for the entire recharge period. Patience is a virtue....
RE: Prospective user with questions
Depending on where you live, there may be a musical instrument store nearby where you could possibly try the Sylphyo. Check Aodyo website for resellers.
RE: Is Aodyo committed to continued support for Sylphyo?
@Clint The LUB camp should be disbanded. It seems Aodyo is squarely in the SOR camp (shortage of resources). When obvious problems manifest and improvements needed, the users deserve them, as soon as possible. The continuous striving for excellence is an outstanding quest...... I would like to become a beta (better) tester.... P
Is Aodyo committed to continued support for Sylphyo?
I am becoming disillusioned... last update in March last year.... Is it time to consider other wind controller options? A frank open answer would be appreciated... Thanks
Feature Request; Roll and Compass... more please
I would like roll and compass to have an option to enable them to function when not blowing, as elevation behaves. Can we have this asap please?
RE: Sylphyo Battery
@steviek Try a deep cycle charge - 48 hours from a wall AC outlet uninterrupted. Good luck
RE: Anyma Phi + Sylphyo = latency and crackling sound
@zelio Thanks.. I see it... I will play around with it.... Cheers
RE: Anyma Phi + Sylphyo = latency and crackling sound
@zelio I am wondering where the menu setting for 'aftertouch' is. I cannot find it.... or do you mean 'key bend'.??? Thanks
RE: The sound of silence...
Very small company, and I know Maxence left recently.... but also still hoping for ongoing upgrades....
RE: recordings controling the anima with sylphyo
The link takes me to wetransfer.com?
RE: How about a Sylphyo update now?
@join How about the ability to send data on multiple midi channels?
RE: Problems while playing the Sylpyo
@meo Yes I meant range. Set it to 3000 (max). Set the minimum to 30. in MIDI mapping set BC to CC2 and Velocity to Dynamic. If still no change, try RESET (last menu item) and repeat.... Also have you checked the fingering chart for the instrument you have chosen. (under KEYS/Fingering). Good luck.... It seems a pity to give up so quickly...
RE: Problems while playing the Sylpyo
@meo Have you tried going into the menu and changing BREATH min and max? Try Setting the min to 30, and the max to the maximum possible... What do you mean by "wrong tones"? - it goes out of tune, or it generates non stop noise, unrelated to what you do with your fingers on the keys? Please record this when it happens, so we can get an idea of what is happening...///... I highly recommend learning about midi, and using the sylphyo connected to a computer sequencing program or sound generating program like Respiro. You are only using half of what is possible with the Sylphyo. I am sure you can find people here who would help you over a video call ... I am available.
RE: Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
The out of tune problem with Respiro (usually goes up a tone and a bit) is resolved by closing Respiro and re opening it. Cheers
RE: Multiple Midi Channels
@steviek Some Native American flutes have 1 or even 2 drone sounds. I would like to reproduce this with the Sylphyo. Currently one can generate multiple sounds with the Sylphyo using one of the CC generating options (elevation roll slider...) It is not like any other wind instrument.
.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0zBjEPAWfM -
Multiple Midi Channels
Re: Sending output to several MIDI channels
Hi... It has been 2 years since this suggestion. Can you please provide and update making it possible to send Midi on multiple channels. This would open up many more possibilities for multiphonic sounds. thanks.
Spam - junk on the forum
Perhaps someone here can help prevent all this junk on the forum... it is pretty annoying. Thanks
RE: Request; Sylphyo Editor
@peter-ostry The functionality of the latest Roland Aerophone AE-30 with its editor seems very impressive... But then it is 3 times the price of the Sylphyo...
RE: Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
@vincent I found most if not all problems occur using Respiro. Is it the same for you? Did you experiment with wiping down the Sylphyo with a moist cloth and washing your hands when this problem arose? Wonder if this would solve the problem? Now that it is warmer here in Australia, I have had very few problems, one of them being a portamento effect when playing, all notes sliding together.... Summers here are warm and moist, so I am interested to see if I have problems due to sweat.... Cheers.
New natural flute fingering
I have added these strips of copper tape connecting left hand pinky, to right hand extended pinky. With the fingering set to Flute alt, it is more like a real flute. 4 keys worked by rt pinky. I always found trying to do a chromatic run from the bottom up, confusing on the Sylphyo. Have fun.
RE: Breath control
@dr-vibes1 Plugs will definitely help. Try make one from a small sheet of rolled up paper and experiment with size of hole left in the centre of the paper roll.