@support_aodyo it appears to have mostly been a USB issue, moving the link to its own bus solved most of the problem. Still getting occasional drops/latency but I also practice next to my wifi router, so moving it will be the next thing to try.
Messages postés par badblocks
RE: Link jitter/latency
RE: Link jitter/latency
@support_aodyo Thank you, I will try it - for reference, what protocol(s) are being used? Wifi, bluetooth, radio?
Link jitter/latency
I've pretty much given up on using the Sylphyo wirelessly because the latency and jitter when using the Link is intolerable (the delay changes from moment to moment, ranging from fine to unusable). Does anyone have any recommendations on things to try? Running the latest firmware (the beta actually), using the Sylphyo as a midi controller for soft synths in ableton live on windows 10. It works fine via wired connection.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@clint so far the durable SLA seems to work well, it's quite rigid and is holding up to daily practice. The 2.3mm was a bit too narrow for the sensor, it produced some held note behavior from the back-pressure with certain articulations. I think the next size up is going to be my keeper. Thank you again!
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@David-Lazzi Not sure of your location but I've been having good results with FacFox for small batches though they do have a minimum order size - been using their SLA Durable resin for the plugs.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@David-Lazzi I had bad results with tape and other improvised methods - the 3d printed plugs posted here work great!
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@Clint yes, for better or worse, I think going even a bit smaller would be beneficial - I've been an EWI player for a decade so I'm used to a lot of back-pressure and a very narrow airstream.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@Clint thank you again, just got my prints...the smallest is my preference and it works a treat. I think I could go even smaller!
RE: Octave issues
I upgraded to the beta firmware and did a factory reset - the issue is improved but still present (when in 5+2 octave mode and moving from the top octave pad down to the second pad from the top, when my thumb is between the two pads there is a momentary octave jump as if I moved my thumb up and off the top pad).
Support has suggested trying a replacement, but I'm traveling for work and won't be in a position to handle the shipping for several months. Will keep practicing and hope I can learn to work around it until then unless someone can offer me advice for troubleshooting and field repair :)
RE: Floor Stand
It looks like he just used some sort of screw-down flange base for a fence post or pole attached to a piece of wood...it doesn't look very stable, I bet we can do better :)
RE: Octave issues
@ijfritz I'm sorry to hear that - does this only happen in 5+2 octave mode?
That's been my experience, so I assume what's happening is the instrument interprets the dead space between octave pads as the same as moving your thumb off the top octave pad in an upwards direction to hit the top octave.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@Clint Thanks so much for this - I had a local shop print a few and the design works like a charm. I'd actually prefer even less airflow so will probably experiment with narrowing the opening further.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@Support_AODYO Thank you, I have not - will try both of those things and report back, traveling today. I also have a couple of the other approaches (sponge wipes, cork) on order and will try them too.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@Support_AODYO Thanks, yes, this was with a hole cut in the tape to get the desired level of backpressure.
RE: Blocking the Bell Port
@frank when I tried using gaffe tape I started having random dropouts - the sound would suddenly stop and I would have to stop blowing and then start again to continue. Did you have this issue?
RE: Octave issues
For the record, increasing the key reaction time to 40ms seems to reduce the issue although it means the key transitions aren't as fast as I would like...perhaps more practice will resolve the issue :)
Octave issues
I have found that when I am in 5+2 octave mode, when I move my thumb from the top octave key to the middle key of the set of three the Sylphyo jumps an octave when my thumb is sliding between the two octave keys.
Also when in 5 octave mode, if I slide my thumb slowly from the top octave key down to the middle octave key, the octave doesn't change (unless I remove my thumb completely and then put it on the key again), but if I slide quickly the octave changes. This doesn't occur when switching between any other pair of octaves.
Is this expected behavior or do I have a hardware problem? It makes it difficult to change upper octaves smoothly and reliably so any suggestions would be much appreciated.
RE: Travel case
Thanks...you're the first person to ask, actually, and I've been using this handle for a while. *NIX is certainly a tool in my toolbox, though I'm far from an expert...also, hard drive block failures transcend operating systems :)
RE: Travel case
Thanks! All good ideas.
Frank, what diameter tube did you use? I can't find the precise dimensions of the Sylphyo anywhere.
Travel case
Just ordered my Sylphyo - I was wondering what people are using for protection when traveling. The official Sylphyo case seems good for gigs but I'd like to find something more compact that I can put in hand luggage.