Sylphyo 1.5.0
In case nobody noticed, Sylphyo update 1.5.0 was released today.
The new sounds are nice but the trumpet cannot complete with SWAM. On the other hand the Kalinka sounds are fun.
I liked the new plug presets in the breath settings.
@fcred great !
Merci fcred pour ce message. Bizarre que après que certains aient tant attendu, il n'y ai pas plus de communication par Aodyo sur le sujet.
Il y a tellement longtemps qu'il n'y a pas eu de mise à jour à faire que je ne sais plus le faire ... lol -
A balalaika sound for a wind controller, a copper strip trick without instructions and breath presets that no one needs, but not a single bug dealt with. Apparently none of the existing beta functions were dealt with either. Not to mention addressing reasonable feature requests. Looks like we were just discussing here for our own amusement.
By the way, none of these statements on the update page are true:
"The update package contains the update file to transfer to your Sylphyo, the current version of the manual, a readme.txt file with instructions, as well as the current version of the PC/Mac editor for your operating system."
Actually the download is one applikation that updates the Link Box and the Sylphyo. Nothing else and no further information. -
An Update, short before 2,5 years since the last. Congrats to the factory. I think the sounds are ok. I wonder the next update. May be in Jan. 2026.
Great !! You never thought of playing a balalaika ...
New music to create ..
we are not dummie , mo need for uread readme's
@Peter-Ostry manual can be found here:;O=D
@Peter-Ostry Copper mod on page 60...
Thank you for the information. -
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@fcred I have the older version of Sylphyo, can I use this update?
@Wlodzislaw I am not associated with Aodyo so you will need to address that question to them to be safe. However, I also have an old Sylphyo and the update works fine for me.
@Wlodzislaw This update is compatible with all Sylphyos.
Merci !!
@Friedus There are some issues with the 1.5.0 Trumpet preset 35 imho when using together with the link (sound drops, randomly generated bassy tones...). Trying to resolve this with Aodyo...
I just updated my Sylphyo and my Wireless Link. Afterwards I realized that I can no longer connect with the Wireless Link. I can mark "Wireless (Link)" in the Sylphyo menu but "Receiver Device" just stays inactive.
Has anyone the same problem after the update? To be fair it's possible that this didn't work even before the update. It's quite a time that I used the link. -
I found a workaround: I changed the instrument back from the new balalaika to one of the previous instruments. After that, I could activate "receiver device" and now the wireless link works with Cantabile.
Petite mise à jour sympa qui me convient bien avec ses 2 sons de trompette et Kalinka !
Perso, je couple les sons de ma UVI Workstation avec les sons internes et ça déménage ... bravo encore aux développeurs !