Program Change shortcut
Bonjour, existe t'il un autre moyen de programmer un Program Change à part dans le Quick setting? Car pour changer de son au milieu d'un morceau rapidement ce n'est ergonomique que jusqu'à un certain point, il y a besoin à ma connaissance de l'utilisation de trois doigts pour faire la manipulation. Par exemple un double tap sur le slider pour incrementer de un, un triple pour descendre de 1, ce serait parfait. Ou alors profiter des fonctions de roll ou compass?
Let me second that suggestion; quick change of selected voices would be very useful, especially during live gig.
Wlodek -
You both make a point: sometimes quick settings just aren't quick enough!
We've researched several shortcut ideas but haven't yet found something that would be totally unambiguous (e.g. some people do double- or triple-tap (or more) the slider in their performance). In the meantime, the quick solution is to use a controller like a MIDI pedalboard.
We've been quite impressed with the shortcut language of the Eigenharp, and while we don't need something as complex and powerful, it would be nice to imagine something where in a certain mode, a certain fingering (or sequence of fingerings) could allow you to perform settings actions.
The EWI also incorporates a similar idea (one fingering = one preset).
We have to decide between a lot of design dimensions and options, and it would help us to know more about the specifics of your needs and situation (e.g., the time you have to change the presets, is it improv or not, whether your predet list is pre-organized or not, whether simple navigation is needed vs. exploration...). -
in my case, it is not improvisation, my presets are set on my ext synth one after the other. I just need to use program change +1, but i need to do that very fast in the song, i dont have a pause. On the EWI, i programmed the 2 right keys (originally designed for Hold and Octave) as program change +1 or -1 so it was very quick.
One suggestion that might work is to have roll or compass assigned to program change + or -1 depending if you roll or compass left or right. We might need a sharp threshold, like a fast movement to be sure that it doesnt trigger for simple move? Or maybe use the "shake to play" to increment a +1? -
Bonjour, toujours à propos des quick settings, j'ai une suggestion qui me semble assez ergonomique et utilisable pendant le jeu. Pour y accéder toujours appuyer sur le bouton "aodyo" et le pouce gauche sur une des 3 cases, mais plutot que d'utiliser les "setting keys" pour faire + ou -, utiliser les touches correspondants à l'index et l'annuaire droit pour faire + ou -, ainsi la maneouvre peut se faire sans sortir le sylphyo de la bouche et l'équilibre reste
A step towards faster program change would be to assign individual parameters to each MIDI channel, for example base key and voice selection. I find myself changing from C3 to C4 quite often when changing voices on my synth. This takes much more time than just changing MIDI channel.