@cg We release updates with no particular timeframes in mind, just when we feel they are ready! It takes a lot of work for a small team to release new updates. Watch this space and the Aodyo newsletter for news on the updates.

Messages postés par Support_AODYO
RE: Anyma Phi Updates
RE: connection sylphyo à expander roland fantom xr
@ladide A priori il suffirai de faire passer le Sylphyo sur CC2 pour le souffle (plutot que CC11 par défaut). Et ensuite il est probable que ça marche mieux avec le port DIN 5 broches du Link (MIDI out du Link vers MIDI in du Fantom XR).
RE: renseignement message ecran
@phijol Bonjour ! Cela veut simplement dire que le récepteur Link n'est pas connecté et que le Sylphyo le recherche.
RE: High pitched background noise, around 2340Hz (anyma phi)
@andyhornblower Please send us an email on support@aodyo.com
RE: It always wants to apply firmware updates…
@jan It's possible that the update did not complete. Can you try with a different computer, connected directly to the computer? Let me know!
RE: Feature request - extend Windsyo oscillators down to low Bb or low A
@andyhornblower Thanks for your suggestion.
The issue with that, is that we designed the physical model to play well in a certain range. And while we could feasibly extend it a few semitones lower, it becomes a slippery slope, as we need to rework the physical model to include lower tones, which then prompts people to ask why we can't go even lower, etc.I hope this makes sense, we will consider your request as much as we are able but can't promise anything to that end. Let me know if you have any further questions.
RE: High pitched background noise, around 2340Hz (anyma phi)
@andyhornblower That is interesting. The noise is always the same? Could you possibly try with a different cable and with a different power source, maybe an external battery to avoid ground loops?
RE: "Desert Winds" full song with Anyma Phi and WARBL controller
@jimhanks Very nice and relaxing! Thank you for sharing
RE: Anyma Phi Compatible Keyboards (esp. mini keyboards)
@jimhanks Okay sorry for not understanding everything! Let us know how it works once you have the right cables :) The device port works if the messages are being sent from a computer actually, so plugging in your warbl into your computer and then the computer into the Anyma Phi's device port would allow you to send info from the warbl through the computer into the Anyma Phi provided you use some midi routing software or DAW.
RE: Recorder mode Fingering bug?
@jay-ayliff There are two ways to play the middle C in the recorder mode (assuming you are in base key of C), first with the index finger of the left hand (OxooOooo_), and second with the middle finger of left hand and the octave thumb (XxooOooo_). If your thumb is incorrectly pressing the octave key you might be accidentally playing a C instead of a B?
RE: Anyma Phi Compatible Keyboards (esp. mini keyboards)
@jimhanks Try plugging the warbl into the USB Host port instead.
RE: How to connect Sylphyo LINK audio out to a Mac without audio input?
@gromit I think it will work, but the sound quality and features might very much be lacking! You will have to update us on how you like it and if it does what you want.
RE: How to connect Sylphyo LINK audio out to a Mac without audio input?
@gromit Hi Gromit,
In every case, for sending audio into a computer, you need an audio interface (an external sound card).
I've never used the Behringer Line 2 USB but I would recommend a full audio interface, as opposed to a cable. Behringer makes some cheap ones or you can get any other brand, Focusrite is quite popular, so is Motu, Presonus, or Universal Audio if you are willing to spend a bit more.Otherwise if you are decided on the Behringer cable, you would indeed connect it to the line outs of the Link into your computer.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
RE: Sylphyo broken? (SOLVED: non-working B-stock sold as working instrument, returned to store)
@robst247 Hi Rob, that does sound like you need to send it back to the dealer. We won't be able to take it back directly as you bought it B-stock from them. Go back through them and they should refund you or send you back a working one.
RE: Breath control
@dr-vibes1 The plugs won't do anything if the app is not set up correctly. Can you make sure the Korg Wavestation is set to accept CC11 expression that the Sylphyo sends?
Or you can also set the Sylphyo to send CC2 Breath control to match the Korg Wavestation. -
RE: Kit réglage souffle noir
@zzrichie Les embouts du réglage de souffle sont d'un gris très foncé, pratiquement noir et presque invisibles.
RE: Breath control
@dr-vibes1 Like I've said in your emails, I am a bit confused as to what you mean by that. If you are talking about dynamics, you should be able to control dynamics with your breath. Are you trying to control a synthesizer or a VST or are you using the built-in Sylphyo sounds?
RE: Sylphyo broken? (SOLVED: non-working B-stock sold as working instrument, returned to store)
@robst247 Hello! This sounds like it could be related to a deep discharge problem. There is no indicator when charging so that is normal, but the other issues could be fixed by charging your Sylphyo for 48 hours (2 days). Make sure the charger brick is plugged into a wall outlet.
Let me know if this changes anything.
RE: Troubles installing update 0.8.90 macOs (SOLVED: loose part due to shipping)
@pjfila Hi Pavel,
I've sent you an email from support@aodyo.com so we can have a look and diagnose the issue.
RE: Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
@paul-flute Hi Paul, if I remember correctly it had to do with velocity and some of the midi mappings?
RE: Anyma phi + sylphyo
@javier On a une mise à jour en interne qui règle ce problème, qu'on devrait sortir bientôt.
RE: Anyma phi + sylphyo
@javier A priori le son El Harrachi dans le Sylphyo et le son El Harrachi + dans l'Anyma sont différents, et donc la réponse est différente (idem pour Kokomo vs. Kokomo +).
On est en train de voir en interne ce qu'on peut faire mais à priori ton Sylphyo et ton Anyma ont l'air de fonctionner correctement.
RE: Some abstract music with Anyma Phy
@soundinett Very cool! The Undead Timefrog seems like a nice combination with the Anyma
RE: Anyma phi + sylphyo
@javier Bonjour,
Le son el Harrachi existe aussi sur le Sylphyo !
Est ce que votre Sylphyo est à jour ?
Est ce que votre Anyma est correctement reglé pour recevoir les bons messages Midi ?
Le mieux à faire serait de mettre à jour l'anyma et le Sylphyo et ensuite de les réinitialiser tout les deux.Il faut savoir que ce son est beaucoup basé sur l'attaque de la langue (avec un controleur à vent comme le Sylphyo).
RE: Firmware still in 0.x.x -WHY ?
@lothar No hesitation, just that we are waiting for a few key steps (such as the arpeggiator) before releasing V1.0. Please be patient.
RE: Rig Schematics
Very cool rigs described here, great idea as usual @Clint !
I'll share my personal rig as well which you can see through this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3dUP2ezRfA
Basic is this : Sylphyo -> Link -> computer running Respiro (3 Respiro instances for this video) -> antelope orion 32+ outputs -> Girardin C206 mixing desk -> SSL SiX mixer -> monitors + Antelope DAW input
And there is also the Synthstrom deluge which is going to the Girardin on a separate track (at around 1:00) I turn it up on the console fader which goes to a separate bus on the C206 and back into the Antelope to DAW.
The whole thing is a a bit more convoluted actually but the essential idea is that I can grab the sound at multiple spots in the chain, either straight from Respiro, or right after the Girardin desk or after the SSL desk (with a choice of pre or post EQ / fader / G-bus compressor). This gives me quite a bit of flexibility and multiple points of redundancy as I can record all of these at the same time in case of overload or for some parallel processing. I could also add some of Antelope's rather good DSP effects and create some extra loops or something like that for even more processing... The possibilities are endless.
For live shows I've also done a few with a modular eurorack setup with a Midi to CV converter with a few modules and even once or twice a semi-modular synth with some live patching which was cool.
A wind controller in my opinion remains the most expressive way to control monophonic instruments (like Eurorack tends to be except when taken to some budgetary extremes...). Our friend Pedro Eustache also has a lot to say about that! Have a look here for a jam with Eric Persing and a full run-through of his rig (based on some of Ian Fritz's great work on synthesis theories as well as Martijn Zwartjes' cool SteamPipe software synth) https://youtu.be/t98BP-S7Ock
RE: Electronic Wind Instruments Intro Video
@clint This is a great video and represents the Sylphyo very well indeed! Thank you very much for the appreciation you have for our instrument @Clint !
RE: Dual Link Receivers?
@paul-flute Yes you can have a lot of Sylphyo and Links in the same room, as each connection uses a separate channel.
RE: Dual Link Receivers?
@clint There is no way to pair two Link receivers currently. The pairing process is quite fast however, so you could get a second Link if you want to do that and re-pair the units when you are on the road.
RE: Sylphyo Pearl Limited Edition
@steviek We've already sold a fair amount of the pearl limited editions in the last years. They don't have any new features other than a cool new look!
Keep your eyes open we may be reintroducing them at some point.
RE: iPad and Sylphyo sounds together
@dr-vibes1 You can use the empty patch currently #35 which allows you to send midi data without sending any audio.
RE: Anyma Phi editor software
@broken-gadget This is great! To address your concerns ("grumbles" in your post) : We did actually release a manual that is available here: anyma.aodyo.com
We also have been steadily releasing new software updates and new patches, and are now up to 16 factory patches, with more to come.Let me know if you have any more questions and thanks a lot for this great review!
RE: No signal via midi OUT
@deepsea Through a DAW, you can route midi to the Anyma Phi's midi out, but the usb host and midi in ports won't go through into the midi out.
This is something that we could work on in a future software update if there is interest.
RE: No signal via midi OUT
@deepsea Are you trying to send information via the USB host port, via a computer through the USB port or via the DIN in ? One thing to note is that the midi out does not function as a midi thru port.
RE: No signal via midi OUT
@deepsea Hello! Is this relating to the Anyma Phi or to the Sylphyo?
RE: Planned time-line
@andyhornblower I've enabled verified users to upload files on the forum. Hopefully this solves the privilege issue! Let me know if it works.
RE: Trying to Update the Anyma Phi. Not able to connect the Anyma Phi to my Macbook Pro laptop, suggestions?
@milododds We are working on a tutorial video as well! Thanks for your patience and for asking for help on here. Please don't hesitate if you have any more questions.
RE: Is it possible to connect the Anyma Phi straight to a DAW like GarageBand?
@milododds Hi Milo it seems you are confusing controlling from a DAW with sending the audio into a DAW. Control from a DAW is possible using regular MIDI cc. Sending audio into a DAW requires an audio interface just like most other synths. You can then plug in the output from the Anyma into the input of your audio interface.
RE: Muter les sons du Link
@msouet Depuis la dernière mise-à-jour nous avons rajouté un son "vide", qui n'envoie pas de son mais continue d'envoyer du MIDI.
Anyma Phi v0.8.90 pre-release update
Hello Anyma Phi early-users!
Thank you for your support this far in the adventure. Specially for forum members, we have a pre-release update to share with you.
- mac: https://downloads.aodyo.com/anymaphi/anymaphi-v0.8.90-macos.zip
- win: https://downloads.aodyo.com/anymaphi/anymaphi-v0.8.90-win.zip
- manual: https://downloads.aodyo.com/anymaphi/anymaphi-v0.8.90-manual.pdf
Here are the release notes:
- Added a pitch-bend range setting.
- The labels of the five effects in the audio signal chain are now SFX1 to SFX5 (previously FX1 to FX5), so as to avoid confusion with the more generic FX1 and FX2 controls on the Global line of the matrix.
- On the Mac version of the editor, Ctrl+clicking now behaves like right-clicking.
- On the Windows version of the editor, importing/exporting of patches and banks through the menu now works under recent Windows versions.
- Scrolling through patches now displays the patch list, until scrolling stops and the patch is loaded.
- Saving an empty patch will change its name to User# (with # being the patch number).
- Added Copy and Paste commands for matrices and patches, as well as Save and Reset commands for patches, in the settings menu.
- When performing a command (like Save), a short notification now appears on the display.
- The titles of unused matrix controls (those not used in mappings) are greyed to better show which matrix controls are supported by a patch. This doesn't prevent from changing their value or making new mappings.
- Added a volume knob calibration screen, accessible in the settings menu (System section). See the related entry in the Settings chapter of the user manual for more details and a manual calibration procedure.
- Patches with unsaved changes are indicated by a little diamond icon on the top right corner of the display, while in the matrix.
- Added new diagnostics for improved error reporting.
- Increased USB host compatibility with USB-MIDI devices in some very specific cases.
- By default, empty patches will now have Ctrl. A mapped to Morph, and Ctrl. B mapped to vibrato.
- Improved the resonators' behavior when no note has still been received.
- Fixed string display errors in some parts of the editor.
Let us know if you encounter any problems or have any issues, we are here to help!
If everything is fine we will be posting this update on the official Anyma Phi update page shortly.Musically,
Aodyo Instruments Team
RE: contact to teacher for sylphyo... or just exchange
I've sent you a message about this! I'd be happy to help you out with discovering the Sylphyo
RE: Anyma Phi : Midi trough?
@wx-is-dead Having lip/teeth pressure on the mouthpiece would require an entirely new "active" mouthpiece. There is controller data sent by the finger "pressure" so to speak (the area of the key covered by each finger). You can activate this by going into the menu, under the keys option and then selecting the keybend (beta) option. You can then either select that the keybend sends pitchbend + or ctrl data (Midi CC messages with CC77 by default).
For the flute fingering, what do you mean by E3 F3 F#3 fingering? Have a look at the manual on our website we have quite a complete flute fingerings!
RE: preview from editor
@cathartech The editor acts like a remote control for the Anyma Phi which is why when you affect a parameter in the editor it changes the Anyma Phi directly.
I hope this helps!
RE: Sylphyo battery dropping charge (solved with 48hr charge)
@paul-flute Just to be clear, I didn't step in because the 48 hour charge cycle would have been my recommendation ! Happy to hear it worked :)
RE: Is there warning light to show it is charging?
@mrj2 Hello, if you turn on the Sylphyo while charging, it will show a small charging icon on the battery status indicator on the screen. I hope this helps
RE: Anyma Information.
@friendly-noise As for the second question: so far in our testing the finish has been resistant but you should avoid scratching with things like sharp metallic objects on the lettering directly if you don't want to damage the finish! Other than that it's quite resistant. Let us know what you use to strike the piezo!
@moogyloogy I'm trying to find out more about how to make the Anyma Phi work with the Seaboard Rise and I will let you know once I find out!
RE: Homegrown Travel Case
@clint Nice case Clint! Happy to hear your travels with the Sylphyo went well :) Do you have any videos from your concerts to share?