as an EWI perfomer that is NOT true.. one can play ppp to FFF so easy on Akai,best to use VL70m or <sample modelling patches or Patchman EWI 4000s patches for the ana synth..100% improvement or Akai's. Also the octaves are much smoother on the EWI and larger range (7)
The Sylphyo is lighter,but not as intuitive to play (for a sax/flute player) as the EWI
EWI can also have wireless MIDI for €100 MIDI Beam & Line & G10 for wireless audio
As the Slyphyo is still a work in progress, future updates I'm sure will make it better..but would prefer the 5 octaves to be in 1 routing/groove
Messages postés par Shanti
RE: Why I prefer Sylphyo to Ewi Akai
RE: Mouthpieces: replacements, or some kind of cover?
You can take a cheap plastic alto sax mpc. , route 2 grooves in it for O rings, and use on Sylphyo, with a hard reed that will not well..can post pics if needed