@robst247 I am not aware that the level indicator will change to lightening/charge indicator unless you plug it in to charge. Perhaps the lightening serves as charging indicator, and low battery indicator? Not many of the different icons and symbols/numbers are explained anywhere as far as I could find, which is a big omission... Have you tweaked many of the menu parameters? Perhaps do a factory reset and see if that solves the missing note problem. You can also put it into diagnostic mode, and check all the keys are responding to your fingers. Those indicators run along the bottom of the diagnostic screen.
Best not to drain the battery completely so keep an eye on the indicator. Mine goes around 5 hours before I recharge. Cheers
Messages postés par Paul Flute
RE: Sylphyo broken? (SOLVED: non-working B-stock sold as working instrument, returned to store)
RE: Link jitter/latency
Can you adjust the buffer size in Live? If so, try reducing it.
RE: Sylphyo broken? (SOLVED: non-working B-stock sold as working instrument, returned to store)
When it is plugged in and charging (hopefully) Turn it on. If nothing happens, try another. The AC/DC supplied by Aodyo is 5v 2.5 Amp. The one you are using may only be 1 amp. You may have to order one from Aodyo. The battery display should have a lightning icon inside it to show it is charging. If unsure keep it on and unplug it and the lightning should revert to level indicator. You must charge for at least 8 hours, and if you have trouble after that you may need to do a 48 hour deep cycle charge uninterrupted. Good luck.
RE: Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
@stump Thanks for your reply. I recently received my Sylphyo back from France. They could not find a problem, but applied another coat of internal waterproofing. Problem started again after I received it back, and Maxence had me change some settings, which seem to have fixed the problem for me... tho it is a lot warmer now here. I realise I only had the problem with Respiro, which is a fantastic synth modelling program. (highly recommended). Wondering when you had your problem, was it with the internal sounds, or were you triggering midi instruments in a DAW? Cheers. (PS AU customs charged me $273 to get it back, which I am still fighting)
RE: Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
@paul-flute Maxence I wonder if you could post the changes to the settings you had me made on my Sylphyo. It seems to have solved the problem. Also perhaps change the heading of this post to include Respiro. Thanks
Request; Sylphyo Editor
Any plans for this?
I find working through the menus on the Sylphyo tedious.
Thanks -
RE: Roll control
@peter-ostry Request for future updates please, support.
Roll control
Am I correct in saying roll will not generate midi CC data unless you are blowing, as opposed to elevation which will always generate CC data? Thanks
RE: Dual Link Receivers?
@support_aodyo I was wondering if you could have 2 sylphyo players in a room, each with a link. Any interference? I suppose one player would have to pair, before the other switched on their sylphyo and link...
RE: Midi manipulation software
@paul-flute Anyone experienced with MidiFire software?
RE: Midi manipulation software
@peter-ostry I had to return my Sylphyo for repair or replacement as I had troubles from the start... So playing with software is on hold. I will watch some tutorials and see what I can learn. Thanks again.
RE: Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
@stump I wonder if your problems have re-occurred or if they were completely resolved. I finally sent my Sylphyo back to Aodyo, and am waiting for a repair or replacement, which I would prefer, as I had troubles from the first few days. If you still have problems I would like to hear a recording or video, and I can share mine, to see if it was the same problem. Aodyo is being frustratingly slow on this for me. Thanks
RE: Midi manipulation software
@peter-ostry Thanks Peter... I thought if anybody replied, it would be you... I would love to hear the things you have done... do you have any examples to share? I will check out max, tho it seems like it can do so much more than I will use.. I see they have a 30 free trial. Cheers
Midi manipulation software
Has anyone had experience with this. Logic X offers some, but not as robust as I would like, without learning Javascript and using their Scripter plugin.... I have a Sonuus I2m (hardware/software) which has some great features, but not supported on the mac since OS changed to 64 bit.... I would like to experiment with generating different notes and chords from CC messages and midi notes etc. I have a KMI softstep (hardware/software), which also has some great features. Anyone have knowledge of the midi capabilities of the other DAWs out there? I have just heard of a program called Max which sounds interesting. (they have a version for Live)... Just wondering who out there is doing this ie using sylphyo midi data to create complex chords and harmonies etc. Thanks
RE: Anyma Phi : Midi trough?
@support_aodyo I think he means adding the 3rd register flute fingerings. eg D3 has only 2 fingers left hand on, (index off, 2nd & 3rd fingers down.) The third register fingerings on the flute are the most difficult. 1st and 2nd are quite similar, but 3rd uses cross fingerings lifting some and pressing others not used in the first 2 octaves. I think you must give up this idea, and simply use the octave keys which simplifies this. See the Sylphyo as its own distinctive instrument, otherwise you will always struggle with this. Otherwise where do you stop wanting more similarities to the flute? For one, the D# key used mostly for venting on flute is not necessary... & there are no trill keys etc....
RE: Sylphyo and Mainstage
@peter-ostry Ah yes of course... Thank you. (again)
RE: Sylphyo players in Australia
@wx-is-dead Sure email me for contact. breathsound@yahoo.com
RE: Sylphyo and Mainstage
@peter-ostry Can you tell me how Pedro gets the two Chord Trigger monitor lights to display on his Perform screen? (a large version of the chord trigger activity seen in the channel strip - ie the ones that go green when active)... thanks. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX74xgosAek. from 6.02)
RE: Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
@paul-flute Seems it may not be a moisture problem... Also I am finding the Sylphyo is unexpectedly in Menu mode (sometimes in Quick Settings, sometimes in Settings) I may be inadvertently touching the Sylphyo button in top front ... or perhaps it is going into settings by itself... ? I am not consciously using the slider so am puzzled that I find myself in Settings... Then again the slider may be the cause of all my problems? When the Sylphyo has shifted key,(usually down a whole tone),I can sometimes get it back into the right key, by swiping the slider up and down. Sometimes for a few seconds, the key is off half a semitone.. Also sometime this results in a large pitch bend, and sometimes not touching the slider I get a huge portamento effect down the octave,,, ?? Trying to stay sane.... help...
Sylphyo players in Australia
Hi, I am keen to meet other players here, I am near Byron Bay, N NSW, Would like to form a Aussie user group. Cheers
RE: Sylphyo and Mainstage
@peter-ostry Yes I set interface and numbers manually. I also start from a blank concert... Another question I have is; my 2 loops I am triggering with elevation CC75 using Playback in 2 channel strips. The loops play but I cannot get them to loop seamlessly, there is always a second or two break at the end of the loop, before it starts again?
RE: Sylphyo battery dropping charge (solved with 48hr charge)
@iana You're welcome.. I am so happy this worked. I just learned of this myself. I'm surprised nobody in tech support stepped in here? Hope it continues to hold charge.
RE: Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
@stump Hi and thanks for that. I did what you suggested. I had it set to 5, so took it up to max, and have now lowered it to 350 with no problems so far. I am using the middle size bell plug!!! Prob starts under under 350...How low have you got it without problems? I have been turning off n on many times, (hoping the switch is really high quality)... I have also had weird things happening with the base key... It has shifted key on me, though it still tells me in the display the key is the same, when I use a tuner, it has shifted a tone, after fidling around, it resumes to the correct pitch as displayed. You experience this? I am near Byron Bay and it has been cold and raining.... Where are you? Cheers
RE: Floor Stand
@clint Yes please... I am in Australia, and will get a quote... thanks
RE: Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
@clint My problem has worsened... If I turn off and swab after the erratic notes occur, the problem re occurs after a few seconds... Talking to Maxence about exchanging for a new one. I have had this one about a month.... I would value your opinion on what you think the problem I have is. If you're interested, I can sed you a short recording... many thanks
RE: Sylphyo battery dropping charge (solved with 48hr charge)
@iana Charge from wall socket.
RE: Sylphyo battery dropping charge (solved with 48hr charge)
@iana Try charging for min 48 hours without turning on. See "deep discharge"
RE: Sylphyo and Mainstage
@paul-flute Making progress, though I find some of the bugs in Mainstage pretty frustrating. The screens and cursors are jumping around in Edit mode, due to what I presume is the steady stream of Midi data coming in from the Sylphyo. Also while trying to map some controls , I have 3 mappings to 3 separate channel strips playing loops with the Playback plugin. If I try and make all 3 "Playback for Start" one keeps on changing to PDF? Then when I tried to save, program hung and I had to force quit? Has also crashed for no reason many times...
RE: Sylphyo and Mainstage
@peter-ostry I am using the same version on new mac book pro M1. Very frustrating not being able to turn on my Sylphyo until tomorrow... I meant to re mention, that it looks like Pedro as well as having the top & bottom slider controls set to CC13, has the whole slider control set to CC13 as well, with which he is modulating the sound of the main lead sound, and using it as a pitchbend control on another sound... guess thats my next challenge...
RE: Sylphyo and Mainstage
Thanks Peter, that is an elegant solution. Not bad for someone who hasn't used the program for a while. I wonder what version of Manistage you were using here. I am on 3, and there appears to be an exrra column in mine and there may be some new functionality. !
I haven't found any description of all the choices in the menus and sub menus, so had been doing a lot of faffing around... not having any backgroiund in electronic music...My Sylphyo is giving me trouble, and I am doing a 48hr charge as advised by Aodyo, so I cant see if this works until Friday eve. Thanks again
RE: Sylphyo and Mainstage
@peter-ostry Hi, I am still searching for help to accomplish what Pedro does in this video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX74xgosAek. . How does one default the chord triggers in the instrument strip to off? Has he mapped all 3 sliders (top bottom and whole) to CC 13, as he has only 1 screen control responding to all 3, and how would you program this in the mapping? Thanks
RE: Sylphyo and Mainstage
@peter-ostry Thank you. That was helpful. I can see I have a lot of learning to do, to understand all the concepts in sound synthesis. I am trying to figure out how to make, say CC 75, actually trigger the sound without blowing into the Sylphyo. I have managed to make CC 75 attenuate the sound after I have blown... but not to trigger the sound... Thanks again
RE: Sylphyo and Mainstage
@clint Thanks for your reply. Here are 2 videos I was referring to; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC6GELu4Ls4 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX74xgosAek Very interesting what he did here.... Do you know how to modify a stock sound eg ES2 so it triggers by a controller like CC 75 instead of CC 2? thanks
Sylphyo and Mainstage
I too found the youtube video with Pedro Eustache very inspiring. I am a beginner with electronic music and am a bit lost as to where to begin in trying to create something similar to what Pedro shows.
My basic questions;
Can you only use sounds specifically made to respond to CC messages (as those sent from the Sylphyo ..elevation, roll sliders..etc), or can any sound be made to respond to these CC messages? How does one assign these to the sound. I have assigned different controllers in mainstage, and they respond to the Sylphyo - elevation roll etc? All the videos I have seen on Mainstage use keyboard controllers...
Any help appreciated. Thanks -
Request; Save Sylphyo settings
I have not seen a way to save all the settings. It would be great to be able to save settings either in the Sylphyo itself, or to a computer. That way you could have different settings quickly recalled, and would make it easy to have different settings for different setups/instruments. Thanks
What type of plastic is Sylphyo made of
Hi I am a bit worried about the synthetic odour that emits from my Sylphyo. Can you please tell me if it contains the following chemicals;
- Phthalates
Many thanks
New apple M1 chip on mac
Are there any compatibility issues with sylphyo or bench software and the new macs? I am thinking of buying a new mac. Thanks
Moisture (Sylphyo problems with spurious notes and key change)
I find that after playing for about an hour, my Sylphyo starts to act erratically, triggering all sorts or errant notes. Swabbing it out seems to solve the problem. Is this usual for moisture to cause this? It is winter here in Australia cold and wet, so this is the condensation season....I discovered that simply turning off the Sylphyo stops the erratic triggering... Wondering if it has a fault?....
RE: Link anomalies
@support_aodyo Ah!!! Good question. I was using the USB host port. It works using the mini USB port. Silly me. I apologise for waisting your time.... By the way, I LOVE Sylphyo !!
RE: Link anomalies
@support_aodyo My midi monitor program on my mac does not recognise the cable from the Link when I plug it in, so either the cable is faulty, or the link is not sending out midi thru the USB port. I will buy another cable and see if that works. I dont have other USB sound devices.
Any other ideas.