In onlyfans anyone can become a content creator. All you have to do is create a free account and verify registration with a selfie that allows the platform to confirm the user's identity. Once this is done, the next step in OnlyFans is to set the monthly subscription fee for fans, and start uploading content to attract followers.OnlyFans more seriously. In onlyfans there are free onlyfans and two types of users: fans and content creators, and in both cases it is necessary to be over 18 years old to access the social network. Fans can create their account for free to explore the people who are publishing content on the platform, but as we said to have access to the photos and videos that are shared, it is necessary to subscribe and pay the monthly fee set by the creator . You can filter to search only girls accounts, or if you want to search for more free OnlyFans accounts, go to the OnlyFans search page and set the filter to $0.