I love your approach and I do want to become a user and supporter. I may still get a unit in its present form since all future enhancements will be add-on-able or at least that's the plan.
I've been thinking about the vocoder/vocal cavity idea for some time now and believe it has great possibilities. I would definitely make some cool noise with that. Sounds that I attempt to make today with a wah pedal could be made richer with the mouth while playing. I even considered using a talk box while playing. I like how you guys are thinking outside the box and I understand that it takes time.
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RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
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RE: Favourite iPad apps for playing with Sylphyo ?
Bernzilla's are much more affordable and he says that by examining his Thor patches you can learn how to breath-enable other Thor patches (never tried). Patchman Thor patches are good too but start with Bernie's, to be kind to your wallet.
http://www.berniekenerson.com/sound_design/ -
RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
I love your approach and I do want to become a user and supporter. I may still get a unit in its present form since all future enhancements will be add-on-able or at least that's the plan.
I've been thinking about the vocoder/vocal cavity idea for some time now and believe it has great possibilities. I would definitely make some cool noise with that. Sounds that I attempt to make today with a wah pedal could be made richer with the mouth while playing. I even considered using a talk box while playing. I like how you guys are thinking outside the box and I understand that it takes time. -
RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
Perhaps doing vibrato with the plate is a viable solution. On my MDT you employ a lever for vibrato so I'm not fixed on the bite sensor. It probably isn't good for my TMJ either. Got any videos showing Samplemodeling 'instruments' being played perhaps or someone applying vibrato using the plate?
RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
Again, I appreciate the follow-up. I like the idea of touch sensitive keys.
Really would miss not having a bite sensor or something like it. Emulating acoustics sounds without a responsive way to create vibrato is a drawback for me. Everything else sounds great in theory. Hopefully the vibrato concept you're working on will end up being an intuitive solution. Hopefully no one will make fun of me rapidly sliding this tube-like thing in and out of my mouth. Was including a bite sensor deemed uncool or something? It's obvious that you guys have a progressive approach to creating a wind controller but vibrato control is very important. Yes, not with synthy sounds but you praise Samplemodeling soft synths and they sound like crap without some vibrato applied, imo. I really wanna order this thing but I know I won't play it if I can't create realistic vibrato.
RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
A few more questions. Can the slider do a pitch bend like the EWI without being an uncomfortable maneuver? I would think you would want to start somewhere near the middle of the slider but the manual says your thumb rests near the top. I do both up and down bends with the EWI.
How do you make vibrato?
I appreciate all the answers.
RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
Ok, I think I got it. Very similar to the EWI 4000/5000/USB EVI fingering. Just about the same, if I'm seeing this correctly.
RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
is there a diagram showing the key #'s?
RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
I take it people like the octave keys better than rollers. You still slide your thumb, yes, or do you tap to change, like the MDT?
RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
I didn't know about the third key on the EWI but I may try it now. But no, I obviously don't use it.
RE: Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering
Thanks for the reply. I'm looking for an account from someone that has made the actual transition but I'll try to visualize from your explanation.