@join Thank you :)

Messages postés par bibenu
New firmware, unannounced ?
So there seems to be a new firmware version 0.8.105, but I don't remember it being announced, so I'm wondering if it's safe to use. The default download is still 0.8.90, the other one is listed on the 'here' link (this page)
According to the release notes, no new audio features, but new midi features and small UI tweaks, and bug fixes.
RE: Feature request - Anyma Phi env fol can trigger Advanced LFO
@exiannyc I'd like this feature too.
The motivation is different in my case. I'd like to do sound design with the Anyma Phi as a standalone device, no keyboard (in whatever location I want, sofa, park), then when I'm done, connect a keyboard.
You can kind of hack round this using the piezo with envelope follower rise and fall as ADSR type controls, but that's not really the same thing.
RE: Waiting for the Arpeggiator
FWIW, previous response on release dates:
@join said in Planned time-line:
For modules and software features, we don't give timelines because we can't guarantee we'll finish them on time (our software development team of one can only do so much at a time). However, if there's vocal request for feature so-and-so, those'll tend to be the kind of features we'll prioritize in our to-do list.
So don't hesitate to suggest features and tell what's important to you! -
RE: Patch Exchange Thread
Nice work collecting all the patches so far @andyhornblower
@andyhornblower said in Patch Exchange Thread:
@jimhanks I think you've just officially started one :)
Yup, why don't we all treat this as the way to exchange patches. Would be nice bonus if it could be made a 'pinned' thread (assuming this forum has that facility).
RE: Renaming a patch doesn't stick (v0.8.90, updated today)
@andyhornblower said in Renaming a patch doesn't stick (v0.8.90, updated today):
I'd like to suggest that the behaviour should be to rename it on the synth, permanently, when we use rename in the editor.
I don't think that makes sense to me. Everything else you do in the editor requires a following 'save' on the front-panel to make it permanent on the synth. To me it would make sense if also when you rename in the editor, you require a following 'save' on the synth.
Unless I've misunderstood somewhere ?
I thought maybe shift+right arrow, on the synth, was needed to make the change permanent, but doing that doesn't have any effect, after renaming a patch.
Aha ... that looks like the bug to me.
RE: Anyma Phi - shift to the alternative version of the matrix
@andyhornblower said in Anyma Phi - shift to the alternative version of the matrix:
is there still an "early adopters" section
There is, but it's not terribly interesting. Two threads. One feature request (now implemented) and a thread titled "My very first Anyma Phi track !". Last update June 23rd.
RE: Anyma Phi - shift to the alternative version of the matrix
@andyhornblower said in Anyma Phi - shift to the alternative version of the matrix:
I accept that it's not really ready yet, and I thought that might be the case when I bought it. I don't mind putting some effort into reporting the problems,
I agree with that.
I mean, the firmware is not even a 1.0 release yet. I accept that there might be firmware bugs that need to be shaken out, and to me it makes sense to share experiences here.
EDIT: here on the forum somewhere ... not necessarily in this thread :)
RE: Anyma Phi - shift to the alternative version of the matrix
@join Thank you. If I had something that was concrete and reproducible, I would do that. Unfortunately I can't tell what set of circumstances are causing these freezes at the moment.
The only thing I can add to the above is that the synth carried on processing midi notes from my keyboard and making sounds, even though the screen was frozen, and the knobs and buttons did nothing.
RE: Anyma Phi - shift to the alternative version of the matrix
@andyhornblower said in Anyma Phi - shift to the alternative version of the matrix:
I think, quite likely, the firmware is still just in an early release stage, with some fairly critical bugs.
I'm thinking the same thing.
RE: Anyma Phi editor software
@broken-gadget Nice selection of patches ... some absolute gems in there,
RE: Anyma Phi - shift to the alternative version of the matrix
Okay, i have discovered that to get the shift button to work it needs a very short stab, not a longer press.
BUT .... the anyma phi front panel now locks up within a minute or two of restarting - I have to constantly switch off and on again.
Anyma Phi - shift to the alternative version of the matrix
The manual says "H - Shift button
While in the matrix, press the button to shift to the alternative version of the matrix."I can't get this to work at all now. If I select a new factory patch , then hold down the shift button, the display doesn't change and turning the 4 encoders does nothing. Sometimes, after doing this, the entire front panel will lock up, which then means I have to re-start the synth.
I can't work out if I'm doing it wrong, if it got broken with the latest firmware, or if I have broken hardware.
RE: Where to found more longer power cable ??
@andyhornblower said in Where to found more longer power cable ??:
"1M Right Angle Male to Female 2.1mm x 5.5mm DC Extension Lead Connector".
That appears to be listed on amazon too, so thank you.
RE: No signal via midi OUT
@support_aodyo said in No signal via midi OUT:
This is something that we could work on in a future software update if there is interest.
I would be interested in that as an option.
RE: How to remove a mapping?
@deepsea said in How to remove a mapping?:
how to remove a specific mapping from a patch (other than just neutralizing its impact by setting the amount to 0).
Set the ‘from’ of the mapping to ‘none’.
RE: Planned time-line
@andyhornblower said in Planned time-line:
Now we just need somewhere better to put them all together in one place.
Agreed. What do you think @Support_AODYO ?
@bibenu said in Planned time-line:
I'm very much in favour of one place to find user-contributed patches. Either
One thread (perhaps pinned ?) in the Anyma Phi section of the forum, or perhaps even a sub-forum of Anyma Phi General (similar to Early Adopter Lounge) ... either one of those.
Or get a new section set up on say https://www.presetpatch.com or https://patchstorage.com/ -
RE: One handed menu operation - please make the Shift button toggle or lock on
@markusschloesser I'd agree, that seems like a reasonable enhancement. One that's used on other hardware too, so it's not like it would be difficult for people to learn.
RE: Planned time-line
@andyhornblower said in Planned time-line:
Maybe I just don't have the privileges yet, because I only registered yesterday?
I get the same problem ... I've been here a couple of weeks now ... :shrug:
I'm hoping that Aodyo give us clear pointers to a preferred method (which they've done already) that works (the privileges problem) . I know there are other ways to share, but it could get messy keeping track if we all go our own way.
RE: Planned time-line
@andyhornblower said in Planned time-line:
@join Is there a section specifically for sharing patches in, or do we just put them in any thread?
It would be good to keep them together in one place, if possible.I'm very much in favour of one place to find user-contributed patches. Either
- One thread (perhaps pinned ?) in the Anyma Phi section of the forum, or perhaps even a sub-forum of Anyma Phi General (similar to Early Adopter Lounge) ... either one of those.
- Or get a new section set up on say https://www.presetpatch.com or https://patchstorage.com/
The 'one thread' option assumes that the 'privileges' problem found by @AndyHornBlower is solved of cousre, and that we can upload patched ourselves.
RE: Renaming a patch doesn't stick (v0.8.90, updated today)
@andyhornblower said in Renaming a patch doesn't stick (v0.8.90, updated today):
I thought maybe shift+right arrow, on the synth, was needed to make the change permanent,
I’m pretty sure I’ve done exactly that to make an edit permanent. Might have been on the 8.80 firmware though.
RE: Can't trigger the same note twice in a row after sending CC2
@andyhornblower said in Can't trigger the same note twice in a row after sending CC2:
how to check what firmware version I have,
Shift then turn the main encoder will give you a menu which allows you to select diagnostics. Right at the top of the diagnostics screen is the firmware revision.
It also flashes up very briefly during power-up.
RE: Trying to Update the Anyma Phi. Not able to connect the Anyma Phi to my Macbook Pro laptop, suggestions?
@milododds said in Trying to Update the Anyma Phi. Not able to connect the Anyma Phi to my Macbook Pro laptop, suggestions?:
might there be a shift button on the Anyma Phi?
There is a shift button on the Anyma Phi and that's the one you need. It's at the bottom of the vertical strip of 6 buttons, labelled like a shift button on a mac keyboard.
I've been through this a couple of times and it has worked fine.
RE: Physical Dimensions of Anyma Phi
@paulbarnsley you’re right, this should be in the manual at least, for preference also on the website.
226 x 130 x 65 mm - depth 130 is approximate … doesn’t allow for the 1/4 inc jacks protruding of course. -
RE: Renaming Editor Patches ??
@join Confirmed fixed by latest update https://community.aodyo.com/topic/753/anyma-phi-v0-8-90-pre-release-update
RE: Anyma Manual
@join Thank you. That answers two of my questions: “what is Artin” and “which is the MI stuff”. ;)
RE: Hollow sounds, pipes, tubes
@exiannyc yes, I think that wind instruments, and applying an envelope to those for a ‘struck’ sound, is what I need to explore next.
Hollow sounds, pipes, tubes
Anyone had any luck generating hollow sounds like pipes or tubes ?
From reading elsewhere I was kind of hoping that one of the settings on modal resonator would get me there (perhaps STRUCT) but so far I haven't had any luck there or anywhere else.
I'll keep trying, but I welcome ideas.
RE: Planned time-line
@exiannyc said in Planned time-line:
So having a [...] place where users can offer all sorts of patches, would be great (in my opinion anyway).
Agreed ... I've use patch storage before, but will go with any sharing solution.
could it have a polling feature so the devs could see which requests have the most support?
I nearly suggested a voting feature myself, but I can see that might be overkill right now ... also ... consider what happens when everyone votes for every idea that pops up. Anyway .... it's not me deciding so I won't comment any more.
RE: Renaming Editor Patches ??
@join said in Renaming Editor Patches ??:
OK, we'll fix the editor so that Ctrl+LeftClick does the same as a RightClick on Mac.
I think you'll get fewer queries that way ;)
RE: Renaming Editor Patches ??
@join Yes, that was what I was trying to explain. I'm actually pressing ctrl and clicking the trackpad. Everywhere else on the mac and in mac apps that results in the context menu popping up. It is expected/standard behaviour. But unfortunately not in your app.
It's not a biggie, once you know, to use the alternate method for context menu pop-up (it appears that Apple call this 'secondary click' in trackpad preferences). The problem is, it's really not obvious when you've been used to doing the other thing for years.
RE: Renaming Editor Patches ??
@join I'm on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6. I'm using a trackpad (macbook pro, late 2013), so right-click is supported by ctrl-click with most apps.
Anywhere I right-click in the left hand-bar (patch selection) behaves as left click (select). So, number, name, 'edit' button, same result.
Anywhere I right-click anywhere in the app, including title bar behaves as left click (select).
The only app I can think of which I know for sure has the same behaviour is the 'transfer' app from Elektron (electron.se). There too I have to two-finger tap for rename.
but it could be something inherent to the GUI toolkit we're using.
That would be my guess. (I'm a developer, but have never coded for Microsoft/Apple GUIs)
RE: Planned time-line
@join many thanks for the reply on features. I'd like to see all of the features I picked out (a subset of those listed as not implemented yet).
If I had to put them in priority order I think it would go
Meta-exciter - Advanced exciter collection for resonators
Comb filter - Filter bank following an harmonic spectrumParametric EQ - Parametric equalizer
The wavetable stuff is a nice-to-have for me. To be honest, I have that covered elsewhere.
RE: Renaming Editor Patches ??
@moogyloogy I found the same problem ( and it happens with one or two other apps too). Assuming you're on a mac, like me, the workaround is a two-finger tap on the touchpad.
Would be nice if it could be fixed to be consistent with the 99% of other apps.
RE: Planned time-line
@markusschloesser said in Planned time-line:
Is there a time line when new stuff is coming?
I'd also be interested to hear time-scales for these features/modules that were mentioned very early on. Even if all you can tell me is 'a year' or 'probably never'.
Meta-exciter - Advanced exciter collection for resonators
WTBL - Wavetable oscillator
WMAP - 2D wavetable oscillator
WLIN - Interpolated wavetable oscillator
WTx4 - Four-voice wavetable oscillator
Comb filter - Filter bank following an harmonic spectrum
Parametric EQ - Parametric equalizer -
RE: Unable to get a sound on Patch 7 (Piezo Pling) on Anyma Phi and also unable to get case percussion to work
@jasser Patch 7 doesn't trigger with midi input, so it sounds like you have just one problem ... patch 7 should respond to tapping the case, none of the other patches do.
If you've tried tapping the case anywhere while on factory patch 7 and get no response, then you have a problem. In my case the piezo is so sensitive its a bit impractical, turning one of the detented encoders is enough to trigger the synth, so you should be hearing something on that patch.
RE: Anyma Phi Volume control issue
@Support_AODYO Is it possible to find someone who could respond to this please ? Let me know if the question was not clear.
RE: Issue Powering On Anyma Phi
@relevart71 For what it's worth, I'm using the supplied power brick (2.1A as you state) without problems. My inexpert opinion is that is probably not your problem.
Anyma Phi Volume control issue
The volume control on my Anyma Phi give complete silence for the first 1/3 of its travel. Turning it up from 0 (7 o'clock) to about 10 o'clock does nothing, after that the sound comes in.
I've played with configuration to ensure it's not just the patch I'm on. With a default patch (one of the empty slots) with the VELENV V.Follow set to MAXVEL (therefore not using keyboard velocity) it still happens. (I've also tried with a different keyboard, to definitely eliminate keyboard/velocity issues.
EDIT: More info from diagnostics screen
Firmware 0.8.80 (as shipped)
UIBOARD Volume confirms volume at 0 for the first 1/3 of travel, then increases smoothly to 4095)Any help or advice appreciated.
RE: Power adaptator ?
@ipi Agree. It would be useful to have the specs for the plug size (along with the already available Volts, Amps, and polarity) all in the manual.
Particularly useful for those of us who like to use a power bank (e.g. outdoors)
RE: Where to found more longer power cable ??
@clint can it be powered from the mini-B usb cable ? I haven't tried it, but that's not clear to me from the manual.
@join It would be nice to have that in the manual ... I had the same question.