What purpose does the Midi In port on the Sylphyo receiver serve?
Ive tried plugging in a midifootcontroller but the midi signals does not seem to be sent on thru the USB cable or detected by the Sylphyo instrument...?

Messages postés par AmbientLifeforms
Midi In on the Sylphyo Receiver
RE: Sustain pedal and Sylphyo
Did some research on the EWI series: it seems that the new EWIs have a built-in dedicated "hold" button, which sounds a lot like a sustain - it can even be programmed to different functions. Default it holds just one note, like a drone, and allows you to play on, on top of the drone - which sounds more like a Sustenuto-functionaliy...
I'll see if I can experiment into a working setup.
As an aside I have access to lots of different synths, Omnisphere, Massive, Kontakt, Engine2 (Best Service), Play (EastWest),....so i will have to get experimenting.... -
Sustain pedal and Sylphyo
Ok here's another one - instead of learning circular breathing, I'm considering using a sustain pedal with my sylphyo, but with the default mapping, breath controls volume, so no breath equals no sound, regardless of sustain pedal.
Any tips for making this work? -
External sound libraries - Best service Engine 2 setup
Does anyone here have experience with setting up Best Services Engine 2 with the Sylphyo?
I am looking hungrily at the library Desert WInds :-) -
RE: Sending MIDI commands from Sylphyo buttons
Hi Christian
that's neat.
Maybe to overcome the disadvantage of transposing on the Sylphyo one could use a transpose midifilter in Cantabile instead (I am planning something similar using both Cantabile and a neat midi plugin called Cales from CodeFN42 which can filter incoming notes to any scale) -
RE: Buying a Sylphyo
So the strangely shaped one in the pictures on the site is not available?
RE: How will be the quality of the sounds provided with the new internal card?
I'm a trumpet player and also have an EWI Wind instrument. My philosophy towards the sounds of Electronic Wind instruments is that they should provide sounds which are not availalble in "normal" instruments.
I hate when the big Companies market their Wind instruments as a replacement for real instruments: Saxes, trumpets, flutes... no! Market it as a device for playing expressive Electronic sounds in a way that you cannot do with a keyboard.
And then if you want to play the sounds of a real World instrument - buy a sample library from sampling Experts - but still don't expect it to be perfect. If that's what you are after you need to pick up the real instrument (Baryton, alto flute, Valve-trombone...)... at the present technological state of sample modelling of wind instruments. -
Buying a Sylphyo
Hi Again
As I wrote in my earlier post I have ordered a Sylphyo, and cant wait to get it.
However the store where I bought seems to have difficulty delivering and also replying to my requests regarding when I can expect delivery.
That is pretty annoying. Can anybody recommend a store where you can buy the Sylphyo (I know about the store list on this site, but it was one of those which does not seem to able to deliver any kind of service).
I would also like the case for the Sylphyo, but that also seems to be hard to get hold of, any recommendations on buying location for that?
And is there a backlog of Sylphyos from your production Facility? -
RE: Sending MIDI commands from Sylphyo buttons
Well you seem to have my "complaints" well in hand ;-)
And I totally agree with your priorities.
Also my "Limitless" is as you said not really what I want. 7 or 9 octaves will be plenty for me also (and we are limited by the approx. 10½ octave range of the MIDI spec already)
Its just that I experienced Michael Brecker on the EWI back in the 90's at Copenhagen Jazzfestival - I don't remember the track he played but I remember that he used an exorbitant range of octaves from groundshaking deep tones to highpitched whistles - and it was one of the greatest concert experiences I've ever had! I seem to remember the EWI had a 7 or 8 octave range with the rollers. -
RE: Sending MIDI commands from Sylphyo buttons
Thanks for the quick answer.
Great that you are considering different approaches to this :-) maybe I can chip in when I have had the experience of actually playing around with the Sylphyo.The option of dedicating some standard notes to this has occurred to me, especially if the octave buttons are of the limitless type (which I tunderstand they are not) Ideally for me the octave button should Work like this one press on the Down octave button transposes the instrument one octave down, one more press on the down-octave button would transpose the instrument one more octave down...
But from what I have read I have to keep the octave down button pressed to stay in the one-octave-down transpose mode (the instrument is following more traditional instrument fingering techniques - rather than new and different techniques ;-) and if that is the case and I am "limited" to about three octaves using the octave buttons (disregarding all the fingering options) I am not sure I would spare the notes for this :-) -
Sending MIDI commands from Sylphyo buttons
First of all I'm looking forward to receiving my Sylphyo instrument which I bought this weekend (from Musicstore.de).
I am a trumpet player oroginally (and still) and have experimented with an EWI about 20 years ago, last time I tried to play that again recently it had stopped working, and as I was never really satisfied with the airflow of that instrument (the inordinate amount of airflow resistance) I am very excited about your instrument. And so looking very much forward to receiving the instrument.I have some technical questions though, I am very much into electronica these days and use Ableton Live for my music - so I am a very tech-oriented type of guy and have even started to build my own Wind instrument to my own specs (which sadly sits collecting dust on a shelf)
Will it be possible to assign buttons on the Sylphyo to midi commands for instance a specific midi-note or cc-value - I am considering setting up some MIDI filtering in ableton and would love to be able to step thru my filtersettings using a dedicated button.
I am of the opinion that the easier it is to get notes right - the more musicians can concentrate on expressing emotion - I love the philosophy behind for instance AutoTheory by Mozaic which tries to take some of the difficulty out of playing, and have used that in live performance of ambient music (playing keyboards) - and i am considering combining that with the Sylphyo, but would love some meta-button functionality (buttons which do not create notes in themselves but just sends predefined midi-information)