Qui utilise un bouchon / Who uses a stopper ?
Pour avoir la même impression que lorsque je joue à l’Ewi, je me suis bricolé un bouchon dans une cheville en bois que j’ai percée à l’aide d’un forêt de 2 millimètres et ça me convient, mais avec l’humidité le bois moisit un peu.
Comment peut-on se procurer des bouchons en caoutchouc ? J’aurais aimé des trous de 1,5 ou même 1 millimètre. Cela me permettrait de pratiquer la respiration continue. Avec l’Ewi, je parviens à jouer quelques secondes avec l’air que j’ai dans les joues pendant que je respire avec le nez et je peux tenir une note presque indéfiniment.
Avec le Sylphyo je m’époumonnais et n’avais pas assez d’air pour jouer les notes un peu longues.…Et vous comment jouez vous ?
With the Sylphyo I had difficulties to have enough air to play long notes. So I made a stopper in wood with a hole or 2 millimeters. But it moistens!
I would lire to find a rubber stopper with a hole of 1 or 1,5 millimèters hole so I could the permanent breething like I can do il on m’y Ewi. (Meanwile I play with the air contained in my cheeks, I breethe through m’y nose an can hold notes for a very, very long time…And you, Howard do you play ?
1cm de durite diamètre 6mm (rayon aquarium dans un magasin de bricolage)
On brûle l'extrémité, assez pour que le plastique se boursoufle en "se retroussant" sur lui même.
De cette façon, le morceau ne tombe pas dedans et vient en buté.
En brûlant davantage et en appuyant sur la boursouflure, on peut fermer encore l'ouverture et donc le débit.
Pas très officiel comme méthode, mais ça marche ! ça doit exister tout fait, parmis les petit raccords, mais pour l'instant avec ce que j'avais sous la main, ça fonctionne ! -
I made some plugs from old wine bottle corks by cutting them into "V" shape that becomes narrower along the length.
This way, I can control the pressure by how much I push the plug in or out.
These also let moisture escape. -
Although this is an old thread, thank you for posting these photos. Anyone else have a photo or description of what they're using as an air hole stopper? I think I'll try the cork approach.
The hole diameter appears to be about 6.5 mm (1/4") at the outside. I wonder whether a standard-size cork plug like https://www.widgetco.com/00-cork-stoppers-cork-plugs or https://www.mcmaster.com/9566k13 would work. They would be tough to drill consistently without a drill press, but one might be able to cut a triangular section out like @fcred did.
These are industry-standard sizes: size 00 is 7/32" - 5/16", size 000 is 5/32" - 1/4". It seems like the 00 size may work, so I just ordered a few to try. After they arrive, I'll post an update with whether they fit snugly and how hard they are to cut.
The 00 size (https://www.widgetco.com/00-cork-stoppers-cork-plugs) does fit well. About 10% of the plug goes in the Sylphyo and the other 90% extends out of it. At least from an hour of use, it's secure. It was easy to cut a small triangular slice from the cork.
The perfect size would be just slightly smaller, but this size works fine. I tried the smaller size (000) as well and it's too small - it goes almost all of the way in the Sylphyo.
Je me suis inspiré d'une réponse publiée dans ce forum.
J'utilise une cheville plastique 6mm, éventuellement raccourcie et repercée pour régler le débit d'air.
Ca s'enlève facilement et ça ne gêne pas le nettoyage intérieur.
Pour la condensation (le Sylphyo comme tous les instruments en plastique condense beaucoup), j'utilise des bandes de papier absorbant et une "tige" souple et non agressive fabriquée avec du lien horticole
Yes, I use a plug. I tried several solutions but none of them was really satifying.
But then I found out, that cutting a piece from a household sponge wipe is perfect. It does not cost much, you can cut as thick or thin as you like and it's quickly replaced when spoilt through moisture.
The problem here is the sylphyo doesn't set up a standing wave like acoustic instruments do, so there's no natural resistance. I just cover half the hole with piece of electrical tape and it feels a lot closer to what I'm used to with a clarinet.
I did the same : a opiece of gaffer tape and i asjustes o i have good controll from PPPPP tp FFFF . With nu resistance one has no control. I did not compare with an acoustic instrument ( Like sopraneo sax in my case, because the cane demands a diffrent approach . I did try a n aquirium are valve, but thatgave too much resistance even fully open.
kind regards
I use a pipe cleaner twisted into a T shape. You can alter the level of breath flow by twisting it tighter. Also it acts as a wick for moisture
I use a pipe cleaner twisted into a T shape. You can alter the level of breath flow by twisting it tighter. Also it acts as a wick for moisture
All great options! ;) We are also working on a plug system with different sizes allowing for various breath responses. We will of course announce it when we are ready to ship!