Minimum Breath Pressure
Did some very long sessions (6+ hours) over the past few weeks and experienced some problems with notes that continued to play very softly after stopping all breath pressure into the Sylphyo.
I suspect that the side-tube that leads to the pressure sensor gets moisture in it or some such, leading to a false reading of "a little bit of breath pressure".
The problem resolves with overnight drying. I can also cure it very temporarily by breathing in on the mouthpiece (briefly and softly). Turning the Sylphyo off and on does not really cure the problem ...
Experimented with changing the [Breath / Minimum] parameter in the Sylphyo configure from the default of 20 to 80 and this greatly reduces the problem.
Does information point to a diagnosis?
Is it moisture in the side / pressure sensor tube?
Is there a reliable way to clear this problem, other than drying overnight?
Thanks for any thoughts and info ...
Hoping that @Laurent_AODYO or one of the other Sylphyo designers could give me some ideas on this.
It continues to be an issue. After playing maybe 3 hours, I start to get the "residual pressure" issue (or whatever we want to call it.
The technique of raising the [Breath / Minimum] parameter is not a viable option for me ... that totally messes up the way I play.
I've seen that Pedro Eustache generally performs with two Sylphyo at hand ... not sure if that is for this issue or for general redundancy.
Tell me if a video would help (although we are on the road for 3 weeks and that will be tricky ...)
More info: if I lay the Sylphyo in my lap (horizontally), it can cause the problem (after 2-3 hours of play), and it immediately goes away if I hold it vertically. Usually.
@Clint Did you use the silk swab "Sylphyo" to clean inside ?
@Fanch35 Thanks for the thought ...
I keep the inside scrupulously clean with a combination of microfiber oboe swabs followed by silk swabs. I then check the inside by sighting down the bore to make sure there is no moisture inside and re-swab if I see any droplets.
I do this more-or-less hourly when I'm playing, if I am playing for a long time.
@Clint conclusion : origin is not moisture or droplets ! OR too much cleaning generating something wrong on a sensor... And it get me anxious about My Sylphyo...
@Fanch35 I'm sure there is nothing to be anxious about. Everything that has happened to me on my Sylphyo over the last two years has had an explanation and a simple cure. I'm sure this is similar ...
I have a very basic video that demonstrates the issue. I am on the road, so best I could do was a handheld camera showing the Sylphyo play a SWAM trumpet, and the sound is coming out of headphones sitting in my lap. Sound is pretty quiet, but you can hear the sound being produced (high pitch whine) when I am not playing. This has just happened after about 90 minutes of practice.
I would really like some assistance with this. It would not be good during a live performance.
I turn off the Sylphyo and with SWAM trumpet, the sound does not stop (as it does with the VL70-m after about 2 seconds).
Here's the link:
@Clint Perhaps you could check the midi messages coming out of the sylphyo ?
@Clint We will continue this discussion by email to find a solution together.
I sent you an email a few minutes ago. -