How sensitive can I adjust the breath sensor?
Is it possible with adjustment to play fortissimo with minimal breath pressure on the Sylphyo?
I have to stop playing trumpet due to intense pressure created playing fortissimo notes in the upper register. I'm looking for an EVI that requires minimal pressure. Thanks for any help. -
The Sylphyo allows a very big range , and is very sensitive. Nothing like you would need on a trumpet.
and it has a data smoothing option as well.
But if you need you can make it hard: in software : and hardware, by closing the exit.
Kind regards
Thanks Frank I appreciate the info
Hello Trumpetman,
You can stick a tape on the 3/4 of (or more) of the Sylpyo's output air hole. So you need less air.I have put a wodden pin in the hole. But I perfored the pin with a 2mm bit and it works fine.
Best regards. Daniel