I do agree with mosquito. I play the recorder for decades and this half tone upper issue is the only difficulty I find with the Sylphyo.
By the way, I bought my Sylphyo three months ago (sorry not to have introduced me sooner) and I find it fantastic. I play the Akai EWI USB for five years now and I find the Sylphyo much more fun and practical, for the fingerings, the octave "keys", the settings always under your finger and for the wireless of course. And the battery never lets you down.
I read simultaneously the thread "Migrating from Akai EWI EVI fingering", and as I play also brass instruments, I will try the EVI fingering, a thing I always found a bit tricky on the EWI.
Many thanks for this great job. Greetings,
Hubik (Grenoble)

Messages postés par hubik
RE: Recorder fingerings issues