@pedro1690 i agree 100%

Messages postés par gbarcza
Key bend suggestions
Several years now every once in a while i switch on and give a try of the “key bend” function, wishing it was working like at any open hole wind instrument, one could gradually slip from a note to another, or could make well controlled vibrato on each note, etc. In spite of the warning “beta version” it always make me dissapointed, as it doesn’t exactly work like it was supposed to be, so i always switch it off after a half an hour. I would like to give some suggestions for a future improvement of this function, and would be happy happy to hear other users’ opinion about it too.
- Most importantly the range of the bending should happen according to the actual fingering setup. In saxophone fingering for example there is a half tone difference between the 3rd and the 4th hole (Btw E and F). Still, when with “key bend” on, the movement of the finger on E can bend the note even a whole note higher (to F#), which is not what we would expect: a bend of half tone, not more. Therefore the bend range should be adjusted according to the intervals of the actual fingering, half tones wherever it’s needed.
- There should be a finger velocity sensivity adjustment to filter out unwanted bending while normal playing. Only slow movements should be considered as bending, normal and fast movements of the fingers shouldn’t.
The key bend function is a fantastic idea, i hope once it will be developed on from beta version.
RE: My Sylphyo stops in one note.
@Adriano-Ferrão exactly the same happened to me several times. very annoying, couldn`t find the reason.
do you use any plug to narrow the way of the airflow? do you use a custom made mouthpiece? is the metal ring under the mouthpiece well fixed? -
RE: New Year, a new Internal card ?
very excited about it and i have many questions...
if the expansion synth is going to be internal, we will have to use it with the sylphyo (audio) wired, wont we? Or are you going to make the audio output wireless also? Any chance to use this synth module externally, with sylphyo
s fantastic existing wireless midi capabilities?
will there be any option to micro tuning scales?