The list of new features sounds AMAZING thank you

Messages postés par exiannyc
RE: Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta
Feature request - CLOU as an effect
I'd like to request that you implement the CLOU granular cloud generator as an effect and not just an oscillator type. If other oscillators, or external sound, could be fed through it, that would be fantastic. Everyone wants to do "rings into clouds," it's probably the most popular modular patch on YouTube. I would love to be able to do that on the Anyma Phi as well.
Thanks for all your ongoing work. All best.
Feature request - Anyma Phi env fol can trigger Advanced LFO
Dear wizards of the Anyma Phi
Request: Please add the option to have the Envelope Follower be able to trigger the Advanced LFO.
More detail: My favorite thing to do with the Anyma Phi is to set up a patch where an Advanced LFO is triggered by each new MIDI note to set new random values for the Structure, Brightness, Damping and Position of the modal or string resonator module. You get a different sound with every note on.
I would like to get the same effect when processing external audio through the Anyma Phi. I can set the Env Fol to take external audio as a source. If the Env Fol could trigger the new value on the Advanced LFO, that would allow this.
Please LMK if this is possible. It seems to me that the functionality is already present. Of course that's easy for me to say - I don't know how to code.
RE: Some abstract music with Anyma Phy
@soundinett thanks for sharing your explorations! inspiring and fun.
RE: Edit morph layer in the editor?
@join Thank you for your response! That's a really good solution.
I missed something you had clearly stated in the manual:
"What this means is that you can actually have two
versions of the matrix in a patch, which could lead to two drastically
different sounds, and cross-fade between both using Morph."The key there is that only the matrix settings are morphed. I have a Gotharman Tiny Little Deformer (sounds great routed through the Anyma Phi) which allows you to morph every single aspect of a patch, including sequencer settings and modulation routings and amounts. I'm not saying that the Anyma Phi should be like that - I'm just reminding all users that even if they are familiar with the idea of morphing from other hardware or software, they need to bear in mind that on the AP, what is morphed is specifically the matrix settings.
And I'll say it again, now that I understand it, the way you implemented that in the editor is very simple and clear. Thanks!
Edit morph layer in the editor?
Is it possible to edit the morph layer in the computer editor?
I would really like to set up 2 complex patches and then morph between them. The computer editor makes setting up a patch and understanding what's going on so easy - I would love to be able to use it to set up the morph layer also. -
RE: Planned time-line
@join No polling sounds right, and so does sharing patches on the forum. Thanks!
RE: Hollow sounds, pipes, tubes
@bibenu see what they did in the meta-flute patch and go from there?
RE: Planned time-line
Thanks @join for your comments about development.
About patch sharing. Is there already a place where users can share the patches they've created? If not, would patchstorage be a suitable place? I imagine that the devs would like to curate a balanced and appealing and "playable" collection of patches that demonstrate what the machine is capable of. And I imagine that the users may want to take the machine into all sorts of different directions. (Personally, I like messy complex recursive modulations and self-playing patches.) So having a growing array of factory patches, as well as a place where users can offer all sorts of patches, would be great (in my opinion anyway).
About feature requests. Is this thread a suitable place for them, or should there be a thread for that specifically? (And could it have a polling feature so the devs could see which requests have the most support?) I didn't see one. So I'll put a request here -
My request would be that the Cloud module could be an effect as well as merely a generator. I don't know what the generator granulates currently, but to me it doesn't seem interesting, or maybe I'm just not tweaking it right. It just sounds like a buzzy sine wave. I am glad it's there, but I think it would be more useful if we could send audio into it.
I also support all of @bibenu requests - yeah, I think a lot of people have wavetable features covered. Making the most of the resonators is where the action is, for me. I'd be interested in exciters like Dust or crackles or chaotic bursts. Thanks!
All that said, thanks for this lovely and fascinating machine, and for your ongoing work, including monitoring and responding on this forum.
RE: Anyma Phi first day demo video
@friendly-noise said in Anyma Phi first day demo video:
[My first contact:]
Nice work showing off how to play and vary the sounds! Great range of expression.
RE: Do the Anyma matrix knobs have default functions, or only as defined by mappings?
@sleep-totem Thank you! Actually that is explained pretty clearly on page 32 of the manual but I missed it the first time around. Thanks for your response.
RE: Anyma Phi first day demo video
@sleep-totem that was a great demo.
I put one up too, with some comments (all favorable) and demos of the first 2 patches I created. I thought I'd share the link here rather than starting a new thread.
More to come as I continue to explore. Please feel free to share this video on social media platforms etc if you'd like to do that.
Thanks for creating (and continuing to develop) this remarkable machine.
RE: Anyma Manual
I wanted to provide some gentle constructive feedback on the manual.
I realize you are still working on it. I think the manual is really impressive as it is. And the amount of modulators! And the many kinds of modulators! And sound generators! And Models! Are all completely amazing!!! I was like a kid in a candy store reading the manual. I can't think of any other hardware synth, not even a Kurzweil, that offers such a dazzling number of modulators and processors. Wow.
Here are a few things that I am hoping you will someday add a little more information about in the manual. Take your time.
As you see I only have a small number of questions - because you did such a great job explaining a huge number of parameters for a huge number of modules. And I thank you for that.
Artin BLOW instrument geometry GEOM - is any additional information available about that? It goes from 0 to 100%. but what does that mean? (If nobody knows, that's okay too)
same question for FLUT
what does Artin mean?
CMP modulator OPERATOR - any information available about what this means?
LFO+ SHAPEVAR - any information available about the variations?
That's it! Those are my only questions right now. Thank you.
Do the Anyma matrix knobs have default functions, or only as defined by mappings?
Hi, I just received my Anyma Phi a couple days ago and I'm very impressed and excited. I also read the manual.
I have a simple question and I don't think this is explicitly stated in the manual, but maybe I missed it.
Do the matrix knobs, like Chaos and Material, have a defined specific function, or do they just do what the mappings tell them to do? In other words, if you are building a patch, and you want the Chaos knob to do something while you are playing the patch, do you have to create a mapping to specify that? Or is there already something that the Chaos knob will do by default in any patch?