Messages postés par bibenu
Balanced Outputs ?
Does the Anyma Phi have balanced outputs ?
I'm having trouble tracing high-pitched background noise on some patches. It might be due to some computing artefacts on the patch itself of course, but I want to get everything else right before deciding that.
Both the Anyma Phi and the device I'm recording on are running on their original power supplies, so I don't think it's power-supply whine.
RE: Anyma Phi SE (special edition)
@ToFF said in Anyma Phi SE (special edition):
I looked at the official downloadable banks
Can someone link to the official downloadable banks please ?
Thanks. Andy
RE: Anyma Phi v1.1.0 update 🎉
@AndyHornBlower said in Anyma Phi v1.1.0 update 🎉:
I think it's worth updating with the outcome, when someone reports a serious problem
I absolutely agree on this. The reported problems above have put me off doing the upgrade till now. I'd be interested to know what the workaround was for MacOS ventura for instance.
Anything you can tell us would be much appreciated @Laurent_AODYO
RE: Anyma Phi - controller recommendations?
@mbang If you want to know more about the faderfox EC4 you might want to talk to the users here -> https://www.elektronauts.com/t/faderfox-ec4/114723
That forum also has Anyma Phi thread. You could also ask your keyboard/controller question there in one of the general parts of the forum, but be warned: Questions like "I want your recommendations for an X that does Y and Z" tend to degenerate quickly and the question gets treated as "I want to know your favourite X". Tread carefully :)
RE: Have lost a preset
I'm not sure this will necessarily help, but do you know the factory presets are all available individually here ?
RE: Anyma Phi v1.1.0 update 🎉
@AndyHornBlower said in Anyma Phi v1.1.0 update 🎉:
A quick google of error 100093 shows it's a problem more commonly associated with file transfers to iOS devices,
Even so, it would be useful for someone from Aodyo to post a solution (on link to one) here.
RE: Anyma Phi - Alternative Power Sources
@join It would be great to have all these details in the manual, including barrel size for the connector (answer linked above), and amp rating for the power supply. Some info is already there, but I couldn't easily discover the barrel size.
RE: Anyma Phi - Alternative Power Sources
@kf6gpe said in Anyma Phi - Alternative Power Sources:
Even just knowing the barrel size would be useful
Answered elsewhere:
RE: Amplification for Sylphyo
@bo2 said in Amplification for Sylphyo:
The 2X mono 1/4inch to 3.55m stereo sounds like the simplest solution.
I've found uses for both of these in the past:
RE: Bug with editor import ?
@bibenu said in Bug with editor import ?:
Well, the messages on the screen certainly suggest that's happening,
Sorry, I left it a bit unclear. Though the messages suggest the patch is being saved, it is not being saved. if you go to another patch, and come back, all you get is an initialised patch (sine wave). The only thing that has been saved is the name of the imported patch, everything else is gone.
RE: Bug with editor import ?
@join said in Bug with editor import ?:
The editor should be triggering a save right after importing.
Well, the messages on the anyma screen certainly suggest that's happening, so the editor is definitely making something happen on the Anyma. (EDIT: maybe it's the way the firmware is responding to the editor that's the problem, and not the editor? I can only guess of course.)
I'm on a macbook pro, late 2013. MacOS High Sierra, 10.13.6 .
Bug with editor import ?
I think there may be a bug with importing using the editor.
I've just loaded the new factory patches twice over, and what I see happening is this.
- In the editor I right-click and choose 'import..' and choose my file
- I notice the diamond appears on the anyma screen, but then the messages 'saving patch' and 'patch saved' appear on screen, and the diamond disappears
- I find I can play the new sound and the editor shows the right patch name, and a new color.
- because the diamond has disappeared (and because of the messages), I think the patch has saved, and I go to another patch. No message 'unsaved changes' comes up, so I'm sure the patch has been written permanently to the anymas memory.
- I come back to the patch later, and it has not been saved. Though it has the right name, it appears to be an initialised patch (grey colour)
I've just updated to 1.0.0 (was on the beta previously) and I'm using the mac version of the editor.
The only way to save the patches permanently is to explicitly save them with the editor.
I would have expected one of two things
- given the diamond disappearing and the messages suggesting it had been saved, I would expect to to need to then explicitly save afterwards
- if I am expected to explicitly save myself (which is consistent with the rest of the UI, I think) then I would expect to see the diamond warning me a save is needed, and the 'unsaved changes' warning when I navigate away to another patch. (I have 'warn if unsaved' ticked in the options)
RE: Email notifications from this forum
@andyhornblower Aha ... I missed that bit ... thanks.
RE: Email notifications from this forum
@mickglossop I see that under settings you can opt for a daily digest, but I'm guessing you found that already and wanted more ?
RE: AnimaPhi Editor Import Patches / Bank doesn't work
@mickglossop said in AnimaPhi Editor Import Patches / Bank doesn't work:
It would be good to be able to gather patches together into user-defined types, e.g. Bells, Keyboards, Percussion, etc.
Yes, that would be a massive improvement,
RE: Feature request - some tips
@andyhornblower said in Feature request - some tips:
An electric piano model would be good too.
That gets my vote.
RE: Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta
@andyhornblower Is it possible that there is interference on the USB cable that's causing the problem ?
Reason I'm asking is that I've had some gear misbehave, even fail to boot up properly, when connected via USB. It was eventually pinned down to a noisy electrical environment. I found the problem could be avoided by either using the manufacturers supplied USB cables (Elektron) instead of random brands, or else by moving away from the area in my home with 3 computers.
Might be worth it in your case, since you're tied to your computer, to try and find cable with good shielding ?
RE: Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta
@deepsea It worked for me alright. But I didn't make recordings and check against the migrated patches, so I couldn't say if they're absolutely 100% the same.
All the same, I'd be cautious and take a backup of the patches first.
RE: No signal via midi OUT
@peter-ostry Have you updated to the 1.0 beta yet ? There are midi updates for sure, not sure of the specifics, but there was something in the manual about different settings for midi merge related to thru.
RE: Paraphonic: strange behaviour changing OSC1
@join re "expected behaviour" yes, I can totally understand how it came about, but as you say, it's not ideal ... particularly with the change in the mapping which is away on another 'screen' you're not looking at. It's a completely unexpected change in the scenario I outlined. I thought that first note in the chord was not being detected and I started messing with keyboard connections, before I discovered the real cause.
RE: Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta
@jls I find I can download without being logged in from the links in the post above:
@join said in Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta:
Get it there: (v1.0b256)
Windows package (≥ Windows 7, 32 bit)
macOS package (≥ 10.9, Universal Intel & Apple Silicon)
Linux package (64 bit, limited support)
User manual (PDF)After updating, it's important to turn your Anyma off and on twice.
Paraphonic: strange behaviour changing OSC1
I found this problem while exploring paraphonic setup. Steps to reproduce.
First, select a new patch, so OSC1 defaults to Sine. Then remove mapping 1 and follow these steps for paraphonic setup.
Then, go to OSC1 and change the type, turning the encoder all the way anti-clockwise to NONE, and then clockwise back to sine.
Result: Paraphony configuration is now broken because
- OSC1 pitch is now set to CTRLR and not CHORD1
- on the mapping for Chord1 to OSC1, the TO.PARAM used to be EXPR, but is now '?'
I found this very confusing, took a while to figure out what had happened. Easy to repair once you know, but it can make exploring different sounds in paraphonic mode a bit tedious.
EDIT: It seems that scrolling through the oscillator types without a pitch (Bow, Wind, Strike, White noise) is what causes the OSC1 pitch to reset.
EDIT 2: It seems that turning the OSC1 type to 'none' is what causes the mapping to reset.
RE: Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta
@join said in Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta:
make a mapping from "Chord note 1 velocity" to "OSC1 Expression", and so on for OSC2 and OSC3 (so 3 mappings, one for each oscillator).
It would be useful, when doing this manually, if the default 'amount' on a new mapping was +100%, rather than the current default, 0. I think that would be a useful default for all cases wouldn't it ? Maybe for most mappings the final 'amount' will be much closer to 0 (the current default), but defaulting it to zero means nothing is happening by default and you have to then figure out what is missing in your patch.
Trigger combinator (TRIGC) - How to apply 'AND'
I must be missing something, I'm finding it hard to figure out how 'AND' would work with the TRIGC modulator .... I'm focusing on 'AND' because I'm thinking (possibly incorrectly) that these triggers are almost instantaneous, and thus will almost never occur together, so the 'AND' of two triggers would therefore (almost) never happen.
I could understand it if we were combining gates, but not for short duration triggers.
I must have misunderstood something I guess, but I'm not sure where. Also, I have no experience with modular, so maybe this is obvious in the modular world, but unfortunately, not to me right now.
I can see how 'OR' would be useful to combine two sources.
Any explanation, or example of the use of 'AND' would be welcome.
RE: Feature Request for Mapping screen
@join I see it (just upgraded). Thank you :)
RE: Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta
@markusschloesser said in Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta:
can we get a multi import patch functionality? Yesterday I imported 74 single patches, which was rather tedious.
That would be a great bonus.
RE: Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta
@join said in Anyma Phi v1.0 public beta:
And then the patch has become paraphonic. As it's a bit tedious, we'll likely offer a template with this setup already done as a starting point.
I'm not completely following all the details (and I haven't updated yet) but .... shouldn't this be something that happens by default, at the point of assigning OSC2 pitch to Chord2 ?
Have to say that's it taken me quite a while to fully understand the routing of the expression signal and the role of those expression envelopes even on the firmware that preceded the beta. I've come across weird effects like an extended (non-zero) release on the expression envelopes seems to prevent re-triggering ? Sorry, that's a bit vague, but I know I've learnt to avoid long release times on the expression envelopes.
RE: Anyma Phi v0.8.107 update
@tsukaï-ban said in Anyma Phi v0.8.107 update:
le bouton de Volume se comporte étrangement, après 1/4 de tour il n'y a toujours pas de son,
I think I had the same problem ... you might want to try the 're-calibration' suggested here:
@join said in Anyma Phi Volume control issue:
This could be fixed by recalibrating the knob (in the settings)
The current user manual has the details under the heading "System settings" -> "Volume calibr."
RE: Feature Request for Mapping screen
@bengersfood happily, I think @join is on the case ;)
@join said in Nothing really happens...:
We still need to finish and test a few things, and I also want to integrate some of @bibenu’s recent suggestions for the mapping screen.
RE: Spam - junk on the forum
@peter-ostry said in Spam - junk on the forum:
set new users to moderated or whatever the forum software supports.
Or require manual approval for every new person to join, if possible. That has to be less work than manually dealing with all the spam.
RE: Anyma Phi v0.8.107 update
@join said in Anyma Phi v0.8.107 update:
Thanks for reporting that strange issue.
I'm fairly sure that it was connected to the editor when I saw it, and that the same symptoms showed on the editor and on the synth. Anyway, when it didn't re-appear I wrote it off as some caching issue that I didn't need to worry about.
RE: Anyma Phi v0.8.107 update
@sleep-totem said in Anyma Phi v0.8.107 update:
One question I have is "On the device, you can now view the patch load", what does this actually mean or what is it used for?
If you hold down shift, the top line of the display changes with a little bar on top right, which shows how much computer resources are being used, how much the load is on the computer. The more of the bar there is filled up, the closer you are to getting the "!!" warning on screen.
RE: Anyma Phi v0.8.107 update
@sleep-totem said in Anyma Phi v0.8.107 update:
One strange behaviour I noticed is that all patches on the device appeared as EMPTY but when browsing and loading it would update with the actual patch name.
Yeah, I had that too. But it went away, possibly after I restarted either the editor or the anyma itself. I haven't seen it come back since then.
RE: Anyma Phi v0.8.107 update
@join Installed and working without problems ... thank you.
RE: BUG (?) Mapping to amount of another mapping
@join said in BUG (?) Mapping to amount of another mapping:
But there is a much simpler way for that kind of thing, using sidechain.
Ah that works perfectly, doesn't involve another mapping. Thanks.
RE: BUG (?) Mapping to amount of another mapping
@join said in BUG (?) Mapping to amount of another mapping:
The mapping you created by long-pressing has surely been put at the next free spot, say MAP7,
In your particular case, just swapping MAP6 and MAP7 would resolve the problem
Okayyy ... will try out that and the sidechain thing ... Thank you.
but it certainly merits a mention in the manual,
Either that or perhaps something to prevent it happening. Like, disallowing the modulation where it can't possibly work.
I can think of three other ways to improve the user experience off the top of my head.
Since the scenario I'm thinking of must be pretty common (first set up a mapping, then map a macro knob to 'amount' on that mapping) maybe evaluate the mappings in the opposite order ?
Perhaps, determine the order of mappings evaluation according to how they're connected. So in the example I've given, because map7 controls the amount of map6, then evaluate map7 first, then map 6, then all the other mappings (assuming they are not interconnected)
or ... since it can be done with sidechain .... disallow the mapping to amount altogether ?
I haven't really thought this through ... I can see a flaw with (2) already, in that it could never work if there was a circular mapping (map 7 modulates amount of map6, map8 modulates amount of map7, map6 modulates amount of map8 .... does that possibility exist ?).
EDIT: Actually ... this constraint of a mapping only being able to modulate the amount (or min, max, smoothing, scale ...) of a higher numbered mapping is sure to trip people up. It's very hard to set things up right, given those constraints. Say I have mapping 1-10 already, and I want to set up modulation of my filter by lfo (mod1) with 'maximum value' determined by 'chaos'. I first have to create mapping 12 to control filter cutoff, then I have to create mapping 11 to map 'chaos' to the 'maximum value' of mapping 12, so that everything fits the evaluation order. Allowing mappings to other mappings has a lot of potential for confusion, surely ?
Sorry ... I'll shut up and let you think about it.
BUG (?) Mapping to amount of another mapping
I've come across this a couple of times, at first I wasn't confident there wasn't some bug in my patch .. now I'm fairly sure there's nothing wrong with what I'm doing.
Concrete example: I have Map6 routing Mod1 (LFO) to filter cutoff frequency. But it's a very intrusive effect that I want to control from the macro knobs and I choose chaos. So, starting from the matrix, I long-press 'chaos', choose to create a new mapping, and choose 'mapping 6', and then parameter 'amount'. Sure enough, I now find that with the chaos knob, I can now move the tick above Map6 'amount' to far right (chaos at max) to center (chaos at min). BUT THIS HAS NO EFFECT ON THE AUDIO .... the LFO modulation does not get through to the cutoff frequency unless I also change the fixed 'amount' controls (on Map6). Even then, 'chaos' has no effect on the modulation depth.
Surely this is not the intended behaviour ?
Any help would be appreciated. All I want to do is control the depth of the modulation from one of the macro knobs ... and I thought that routing a macro knob to 'amount' on the mapping (controlling that modulation) must be the way to do it.
RE: Nothing really happens...
@join Awesome ... can’t wait for the beta of 1.0 :)
RE: Nothing really happens...
@origami23 said in Nothing really happens...:
What should we expect ? And when ?
New firmware expected 'around December'
@join said in New firmware, unannounced ?:
This was a minor release with mainly bug fixes, but we're preparing a much bigger one that should be out around December.
Feature Request for Mapping screen
When you're creating a new mapping, and when selecting a modulator as a source , it would be very helpful if the centre of the screen said (for instance) "MODx - Envelope" rather than just "MODx".
I know finding out what MODx actually is, is just a long press and a click away, but having it right there on the screen would be helpful.
Same request for mapping destination ... "MODx" could definitely do with expansion, also "SFXx" could do with expanding to (for instance) "SFXx -VCA" or even better "SFXx - VCA (main)" or SFXx -VCA (aux)"
You could go further with this but the changes above would be really useful when doing sound design without the editor.
Further improvement (1) - "OSCx" to "OSCx - Sine" but there are only 3 oscillators, so not really necessary.
Further improvement (2) - While viewing module screen for Mapping 5, expanding destination "Mapping 13" would be useful but could get ambiguous, whatever you choose. Probably best left alone.
RE: Resonators ?
@join That's interesting, thanks.
I was was asking because I was interested in exploring the parameters STRUCT and BRIGHT with their references to plate, bar, string, nylon, wood, steel, glass ... so I guess if this code is derived from MI code, then the deeper explanation of these parameters for Rings ( https://mutable-instruments.net/modules/rings/manual/ ) will probably also make sense for your modules ?
Resonators ?
Interested to know more about the resonators. Following the earlier conversations about the ARTIN modules , would I be right in thinking that the resonators are derived from the MI Rings source code ? The manual entries sound similar.