A very unrecorderlike anomaly in the recorder fingerings
The basic problem: Selecting octaves is "sticky," which means that the same fingering can yield different notes at different times.
For example, suppose I play the following:
A (left thumb in center position, and left index and middle fingers down)
High D (left middle finger down, all others up)
High A (left thumb in top position, left index and middle fingers down)
High D again (left middle finger down, all others up)When I play high D the second time, the Sylphyo has remembered that my thum was in the top position, so that D sounds an octave higher than the first one.
This behavior is un-recorderlike, to say the least!
I tried this. But by me everything works right.
i think the top octave . and the bottom octave go one hiher, cq lower than expected.
this way two octave are added to the range.
After a little more investigation: High D is played by lifting the left thumb entirely. When I do that, it plays D in whatever octave was associated with the most recent note.
That means that exactly the same fingering can produce any of several different notes, depending on what I was doing before that.
@ark Hi
For my part, I use the D without the thumb only when going from bass to treble. When I go down from the treble to the bass I switch to a D with both hands. I hope it's clear ...