@cg We release updates with no particular timeframes in mind, just when we feel they are ready! It takes a lot of work for a small team to release new updates. Watch this space and the Aodyo newsletter for news on the updates.

Derniers messages publiés par Support_AODYO
RE: Anyma Phi Updates
RE: connection sylphyo à expander roland fantom xr
@ladide A priori il suffirai de faire passer le Sylphyo sur CC2 pour le souffle (plutot que CC11 par défaut). Et ensuite il est probable que ça marche mieux avec le port DIN 5 broches du Link (MIDI out du Link vers MIDI in du Fantom XR).
RE: renseignement message ecran
@phijol Bonjour ! Cela veut simplement dire que le récepteur Link n'est pas connecté et que le Sylphyo le recherche.
RE: High pitched background noise, around 2340Hz (anyma phi)
@andyhornblower Please send us an email on support@aodyo.com
RE: It always wants to apply firmware updates…
@jan It's possible that the update did not complete. Can you try with a different computer, connected directly to the computer? Let me know!
RE: Feature request - extend Windsyo oscillators down to low Bb or low A
@andyhornblower Thanks for your suggestion.
The issue with that, is that we designed the physical model to play well in a certain range. And while we could feasibly extend it a few semitones lower, it becomes a slippery slope, as we need to rework the physical model to include lower tones, which then prompts people to ask why we can't go even lower, etc.I hope this makes sense, we will consider your request as much as we are able but can't promise anything to that end. Let me know if you have any further questions.
RE: High pitched background noise, around 2340Hz (anyma phi)
@andyhornblower That is interesting. The noise is always the same? Could you possibly try with a different cable and with a different power source, maybe an external battery to avoid ground loops?
RE: "Desert Winds" full song with Anyma Phi and WARBL controller
@jimhanks Very nice and relaxing! Thank you for sharing
RE: Anyma Phi Compatible Keyboards (esp. mini keyboards)
@jimhanks Okay sorry for not understanding everything! Let us know how it works once you have the right cables :) The device port works if the messages are being sent from a computer actually, so plugging in your warbl into your computer and then the computer into the Anyma Phi's device port would allow you to send info from the warbl through the computer into the Anyma Phi provided you use some midi routing software or DAW.