Since we cannot do custom fingerings yet, I would like to please request an alternate clarinet fingering which I think is more natural to the original instrument. Some of the individual notes can be used as alternate fingerings for notes in the current fingering as well.
C: [Left] Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring. [Right] Index, Middle, Ring, Pinky
C#: [Left] Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring, Pinky. [Right] Index, Middle, Ring, Pinky
(This more closely resembles the C and C# that I think most clarinetists use, and also makes fingering D and Eb easier)
D: Current
Eb: Current
E: Current
F: Current
F#: Current AND [Left] Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring. [Right] Index, Ring
(Allows for the alternate F# fingering available on clarinets).
G: Current
G#: Current
Bb: Current AND [Left] Thumb, Index, Middle. [Right] Index
(Adds an alternate, but very natural Bb fingering on the clarinet).
B: Current
C`: Current
C`#: Current AND [Left] Thumb. [Right] Index.
(Adds an alternate C# fingering also available on the clarinet)
D`: An option to remove the alternate fingering with no fingers- I don't see the point, and I think it causes issues with playing C` occasionally.
Eb`: Current AND [Left] Thumb, Middle, Ring. [Right] Pinky
(Resembles an alternate fingering for Eb in the upper register on the clarinet).
E`: Current
F`: Current
F#`: Current
G`: Current
What do other clarinetists think?