Is it OK to update Panda midiBeam?
I have the original Sylphyo and unfortunately I will not be able to buy the Link upgrade any time soon. But I am wondering if it is okay to upgrade the panda midiBeam firmware to Panda's new release 2.0. The new firmware is able to merge the Sylphyo's midi signal with the signal on the DIN MIDI input, and this would be useful for me. I believe I understand how to update the MIDI receiver, but I wonder whether it is also necessary to apply the update to the Sylphyo itself, and how I would do that.
It is OK to update the midi beam. It will improve the functionality of the device. Midi beam handels midi data only, and will not influence anything on the Sylphyo.
But: de Midi beam will not make the Sylphyo wireless. The input to the transmitter to make Midi wireless is a Din connector, not USB. The receiver has a USB midi input together with the wireless input of the transmitter.
So the Panda midiBeam is not very useful for the Sylphyo.Kind regards
Looks like i was/am misinformed. I did not realise that de Panda midibeam is an intergral part of the Sylphyo.
I apologise if you were mislead by me...Kind regards