Any plans for new fingerings?
Specifically, I'd love to see a fingering attribute that my old WX-5 has (at least in some of its fingeringoptions) and the Sylphyo does not seem to share: If the index and middle fingers of my left hand (i.e. the two keys closest to the mouthpiece) are UP and the ring finger of my left hand is DOWN, the result is a pitch one octave higher than it would be if all three fingers were DOWN.
This gives me a full octave+fifth range, C to G, without changing registers. I like that feature so much that I've duplicated it as custom fingerings on my Aerophone--but at least so far, the Sylphyo doesn't allow custom fingerings either.
i have seven octaves
play the highest octave, release thumb , add an octave at the topsame at the bottom
play the lowest octave , release thumb, and it goes down one octavethere are quite some alternate fingerings
take care if one changes , one has to execise a lot to master them.i do not combine different wind controllers. just the sylphio
need to sell the other ones ...